Achtung Trojan - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

Amiga Antivirus Website

  Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
  Achtung Trojan

  Hi all                                                       09-02-1995

  There has just been released a archive called 'GATH95-!.LHA', there are
  one dectructiv program in the archive:

  Achtung       14032 Bytes
  Achtung.exe   14032 Bytes

  The FILE_ID.DIZ looks like this:

  |Virtual Dreams, Melon and Rage's New Intros
  |The BEST CODE of 1994/95. Defintly! Get it!
  +------------------------{ cSo/C(.'g5! }---+

  This has NOTHING to do with the 'Gathering 95' in Oslo....

  Do not start the program 'Achtung.exe' and 'Achtung', will search for
  DH0:, and then make a lot of files starting with this:

  LAMER.AAAAAAAA           10240 Bytes (and then change the last letter B)
  LAMER.AAAAAAAB           10240 Bytes (and then change the last letter C)
  LAMER.AAAAAAAC           10240 Bytes (and then change the last letter D)

  And keep doing that until your HD is full.

  I have talked to a guy in Denmark, that  has lost everything  on his DH0
  drive, and there was some damage to a lot of files, and  the name of his
  system was renamed to 'LAMER:!!!!' due to this little sucker.
  And I have other reports about HD craches due to 'Achtung.exe'.

  I have tried it on floppy  disks, and the one a called 'DH0:' was filled
  up with all of these 'LAMER.AAAAAAAA' 880 kb of them.

  I'm not gonna lose my HD trying to find out some more about this thing.
  The most improtant thing is: DON'T START THIS SUCKER !!!!!!!!

  But this little thing is on it's to every wellknown antivirus programmer.

  Thanx to Brian Overby for the help....

  Removal: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
           Kickstart all others: VirusZ III with Xvs.library installed

                                        _________    _
  Jan Andersen.                    ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
  Virus Help - Team Denmark.      /"""/   //_______   /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
                                 /   /   //"""/"  / //   /  //____   \_
                                 \      //   /  ____/   /  //""""/X\@!/
                                  \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/


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