VIRUS HELP TEAM Amiga Antivirus Website
Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
AmiHacker BBS Filevirus
- Ami-Hacker.BBS file
length packed: 3560 bytes
Unpacked length: 4460 bytes
Location e.g. CD-LSD2: A / COMMS / AMIEX / ACS_HACK.LHA
No propagation routine
No bent vectors
So NO virus
Targeted against AmiExpress. Should data from the mailbox be
to care.
The file reads:
000000b5 54686520 416d692d 45787072 .... The Ami-Expr
65737320 50617373 576f7264 20486163 ess PassWord Hac
6b65722e 20427920 43726179 2d312046 ker. By Cray-1 F
Recommendation: delete
Removal: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
Kickstart all others: VirusZ III with Xvs.library installed
Original test by Heiner Schneegold
Translated from german to english by Google translate