Amos Joshua Trojan - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

Amiga Antivirus Website

 Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
 Amos Joshua Trojan
 Hi All....

 A new  trojan have been found  on Aminet today. But it has been removed,
 but this might have been spread, so take care...
 The trojan will after it has been executed,  replace the 'c:loadwb' with
 a new 'loadwb' with the size of 84.772 bytes,  and create a file in your
 wbstartup drawer called "Workbench" (size 40.668 bytes, packed), and now
 the  trojan  is ready to 'play' with your Amiga. You can find this text-
 string in the file:

 GuRuX mEdItAtIoNz: [JoShUa`S tRoJaN]`/AdDrEzZ: [yOuR ComPuTeR]
 TaZk: [SyStEm KiLlEr]
 MoRe iNfOrMaTiOn: ZoMbIe@pAlA.zZn.CoM

 This trojan is made with AMOS, and it is a lame trojan.....

 Here is some info about the archive:

 Name         : New msx-2 Turbo R emulator
 Trojan name  : Amos Joshua Trojan
 Archive name : msxR.lha
 Archive size : 124.196 bytes
 Trojan name  : msxR.exe
 Trojan size  : 128.800 bytes (144.320 bytes unpacked)
 Short desc   : New msx-2 Turbo R emulator for 030 040 060

 This trojan has been sendt to all the antivirus programmers
 and they will make recog. for this trojan in the next update.

 Thanx to Heiner Schneegold, Jan Erik Olausen and Alex van Niel for the
 fast test.
 And to Gringo, Urban for the first reports about this trojan.

 The archive contains 3 new viruses:
 Amos Joshua 1 virus
 Amos Joshua 2 virus
 Amos Joshua 3 virus

 Removal: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
          Kickstart all others: VirusZ III with Xvs.library installed

      __          Jan Andersen
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