Amos Joshua Clone Trojan - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

Amiga Antivirus Website

 Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
 Amos Joshua Clone Trojan    

 Hi All....                                             22 September 1999

 A new trojan have been found today. This trojan is looks like the trojan
 we wrote about on the 15'th, the "Amos Joshua Trojan".  This trojan will
 after  it has been  executed, the program  will show a screen, where you
 can read this text " CARGANDO BLOQUES..... " (I think that it is spanish
 but I don't understand it) The the system goes into a guru, and restarts
 but by now the  trojan has replaced  the 'c:loadwb' with  a new 'loadwb'
 with  the size of  122.836 bytes,  and  create  a file in your wbstartup
 drawer  called "miami.config"  (size 60.728  bytes, packed), and now the
 trojan is ready to 'play' with your Amiga again.

 This trojan is made with AMOS, and it is a lame trojan.....

 Here is some info about the archive:

 Name.......... : Sonic II
 Trojan name... : Amos Joshua Clone Trojan
 Archive name.. : SonicII.lha
 Archive size.. : 111.798 bytes
 Trojan name... : SonicIIAmiga.exe
 Trojan size... : 182.452 bytes
 Infected files : c:loadwb (122.836 bytes)
                  wbstartup:miami.config (60.728 bytes)

 Doc Text :
 por fin!!!!!!!!!!!!
 la version del SONIC II creado para amiga en AMOS PRO+GUI EXTENSION
 Osea que puedes juegar en una ventana publica perfectamente....

 Disfruta de este juego........
 para contactar:

 This trojan has been sendt to all the antivirus programmers
 and they will make recog. for this trojan in the next update.

 Thanx to Alex for the fast test.
 And to Christian for the report about this trojan.

 Removal: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
          Kickstart all others: VirusZ III with Xvs.library installed

      __          Jan Andersen
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 \\\///        Virus Help Denmark

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