Antonio Link Virus Dropper - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

Amiga Antivirus Website

 Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
 Antonio Link Virus Dropper
 Hi All....

 A new trojan has been found. This trojan was found on AmiNet, but we hope
 that it has been removed there. It is said to be a AGA Demo, made by some
 guy called SubZero.  It will send a e-mail to a Hotmail adress (just like
 the datatypes.library trojan),  but this time it will also  install a new
 linkvirus. This virus will add about 15k, to some files on your system.
 At this time there is no cure for this trojan/virus.  As soon as there is
 a program  to remove this 'sucker',  we will have it on our homepage, you
 can find it there.

 If  your system  has been infected  with this trojan/virus, you can check
 the date for infected files,  if you installed it  on the 15'th, the date
 will be the 15'th on your system.  Just replace every file with this date
 woth clean one's,  for fresh archives  of floppy disk's. This is all that
 you can do for now (sorry).

 Here is some info about the trojan/virus:

> ------------------------------- INFO START -----------------------------

 Archive name.....: birthday.lha
 Archive size.....: 497.365 bytes
 Trojan File......: birthday
 Trojan Size......: 703.664 bytes
 Virus Size.......: About 15.000 bytes

> ------------------------------- INFO END -------------------------------

 We hope to have a killer ready for this very soon.

 Note (27 Dec. 1998):
 xvs.library  v33.15 has been released,  and will find and repair infected
 files.  You can use xvs.library  with these antivirus programs VirusZ II,
 VirusChecker II  and VirusExecutor.  The  new linkvirus  have  been named

 Removal: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
          Kickstart all others: VirusZ III with Xvs.library installed

 Thanks to Ramon,  Buzz, Paul Pacheco  and many more, for sending archives
 and infected files. 

      __          Jan Andersen
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