Diskrepair BBS Virus - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

Amiga Antivirus Website

    Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
    Diskrepair BBS Virus
    Virus Help Team are looking for this virus, please send it to us
    Infected Diskrepair BBS Virus:
    Again another trojan horse for the AmiExpress BBS system. This virus
    is linked BEHIND a new version of DISKREPAIR.The used linking system
    is the $4eb9 linker as used in many other trojan horses against  AX.
    The new thing in  this virus is that is  not linked in front of  the

    In this case the viruspart is imploded and is decrunched 10244 bytes

    The  directories  BBS and BBS:Utils/ will be  scanned for a  special
    filelength(ca.200000 bytes) and the SNOOPDOS task will be  searched.
    I cannot say what this virus exactly makes because I  have no  AmiEx
    Some resourced virusparts:

            PEA        snoopname(PC)
            JSR        FindTask(PC)

    snoopname       DC.B        'SnoopDos',0
    bbsname1        DC.B        'BBS',0
    bbsname2        DC.B        'BBS:',0
    bbsname3        DC.B        'BBS:',0
    bbsname4        DC.B        'BBS',0
    bbsname5        DC.B        'BBS:',0
    bbsname6        DC.B        'BBS:Utils/',0

    A utilitie, which does not work,if SnoopDos is active ? Not normal
                                        Detection tested on 29.05.1993

    Infected WhiteBox BBS Virus:

    This virus is very  similar to the virus linked behind Diskrepair
    The viruscode is more optimized and it will be searched for  some
    more  filelengths. The  used linker is the  4eb9 linker Who  does
    have such a linker ?

    If  a Sysop with the AmiExpress system finds such a virus  please
    reinstall the AmiExpress mainfile.

    The "Whitebox" and the "Diskrepair" viruses  does only work  with
    some  versions of AmiExpress (ca.5 releases). I do not think that
    they touch AmiExpress 3.03  or AmiExpress 3.04.  If you`ve a list
    with lengths  of all the  AmiExpress  releases then please let me
    know it.

    Test by Markus Schmall....         Detection tested on 06.06.1993

    Virus Help Team are looking for this virus, please send it to us


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