DMS 2.06 Trojan - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

Amiga Antivirus Website

Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
DMS 2.06 Trojan
DMS 2.06 Trojan:
Other name: BBS Slayer

Filelength 45732 Bytes (partly packed)

This trojan  was spreaded around 2-3.01.1995. in Europe. The "4eb9"
linker was used to link an additional code on a normal DMS version.
DMS 2.06 is at this time NOT released. The linked programm contains
a FastCall  hacking system,  which is a little bit more advanced in
comparison to  the code in the LHAV3  or in the Vtek22 trojans. The
trojan  tests  for the  SnoopDos  task and  skips, if this task was

The mailbox hacker is crypted with a quite nice eor-loop. The main-
part is packed  with something  different, but  I was  too lazy too
check this out, because it`s for the virus quite irrelevant.

Shortcut from the decrypted file:

   'Absender  : SLAYER'
   'Betreff   : Test'
   'Datum     : 16.11.1994'
   'Uhrzeit   : 22:02:41'
   'Zeilen    : 2'
   '16.11.1994 22.02.41    1 Asc Slayer'

File-ID description of this trojan:

|     __  ___¡___                       |
|    /  \ \  |: / /\    - DMS 2.06 ---  |
|   / _ \\ \ ! / / ·\                  .|
|  // |  \\/   \//  \\/\  -cRACKED     :|
| /·  ¦   ·\:¡ ·\    \\ \      vERSION :|
|/____|_____\|___\_____\_\            .:|
|            !                        ::|
|                                   .:::|
|                         .......:::::::|

Removal: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
         Kickstart all others: VirusZ III with Xvs.library installed

Test made by Markus Schmall

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