LHA V3 Trojan BBS - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

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    Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
    LHA V3 Trojan BBS

    LHA V3 Trojan horse:
    Other name: FA58B1EF & Lha V3
    Filelength 54440 bytes (unpacked)

    This file will be spreaded as new LHA V3.00 version. It`s a simple
    1.38e release...

    This is the same mailbox hacking code as in the viewtek22 (vtek22-
    virus) installer. It seems to copy the userdatas and boxparameters
    to the private directory from a special user.

    This  special user  was at the upload time in holidays and  cannot
    be the author. This means that the account was hacked...

    In the last time several boxes  in the region Hannover got hacked,
    I think that there is somekind of connection.

    Probably against: FastCall

    (Sysops, please call me, I need some information about it ! Thx)

    'Absender  : xxxxxx'
    'Betreff   : Dies ist ein Test'
    'Datum     : 10.03.1994'
    'Uhrzeit   : 20:50:58'
    'Bytes     : 1024'
    'Empfänger : Snoopy'
    '10.03.1994 20.50.58    1 Asc Snoopy      '
    '     Dies ist ein Test'

    Removal: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
             Kickstart all others: VirusZ III with Xvs.library installed

    Test by Markus Schmall               Detection tested 19.09.1994


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