Mongo09.exe BBS Trojan - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

Amiga Antivirus Website

    Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
    Mongo09.exe BBS Trojan

    Mongo09.exe BBS Trojan:
    Other name: Zonder Kommando 1
    Filelength (PP4.0): 1708
    not crunched      : 3368

    This is a quite clever hacking programm produced by a so called
    Mongo of Zonder Kommando. The will be made avaible
    under a new name in the upload directory, so that the hacker
    only need to download the file from the bbs. The name of the new
    file will not appear in the BBS dirlist, so that only the hacker
    can download it.

    Shortcut from the text spreaded together with this trojan horse:

            |\_____   ___    ___ _____/\  /\__/\______
            | __   \ /   \  /   \\____  \/    \_____  \
     / /    |/     //  |  \/  |  \|  |   \ |___|  |/  /    / /
     / /    /   __/|   |   \  |   \  |   / ____|  |\  \_   / /
            \_____ |_______/__| __/___  /_____ |__| \  /
                  \|          |/      \/      \|     \/
      _/| /\_   /\_    ___/\    /\___ /\____    ___ /\_____    ___
     |  |/  /  /   \  /     \  /     \\____ \  /   \\____  \  /   \
     |  /  /  /  |  \/  | |  \/  | |  \/  _  \/  |  \|  |   \/  |  \
     |  \  \_/   |   \  |_|   \  |_|   \  |   \  |   \  |   /   |   \
     |__|\  /\_______/__| | __/_ | | __/_ |___/__| __/_____/\  _____/
       \/              |/    \| |/    \|      |/          \/
                               2 0 0 8
                         Hack Mania is DEAD !

                            Soo what' next ?

                         Mongo is here to rule !

          So MONGO the HERO , has made the NEW Great util

                            MONGO MANIA V0.8

    Mongo Mania is better than hackmania from stalin and Mongomania
    take Amiexpress 1.x 2.x (3.x).

    It can take ami 3.x if the sysop forgot to Delete the ACP file for
    2.x, and he havn't changed any paths !

    And the new features are:
    New Hackfile name >                   FLT_DSQ.DMS         (1993 bytes)
    Decode with >

        Lea.l        $50000,a0
        Moveq        #1993,d0 Zk:     Add.b        #$3,(a0)+
        dbra         d0,zk

    Load in FLT_DSQ.DMS with Seka,Asm1 etc in memory at $50000
    Write the Small assembler prg and start it!
    Use: H or N $50000 and you can see text.
    New protection >                      xxxx        (user name in
    Snoopdos can eat shit won't find anything or Mongo M. Don't do anything
    if snoopdos is there !
    Bugs are: NOT TESTED if Protection works (it shall work)
    NOT TESTED if 1.x hacker works 100% but there shoule be no probb !
                     __      ___ __
                    /X\ |  ||\ ||  _|  |
                   /   \|__|| \||__||__|  1993

    Removal: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
             Kickstart all others: VirusZ III with Xvs.library installed

    Test by Markus Schmall               Detection tested on 25.2.1994.


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