Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
BBS.Zappa B door Trojan
- ZAPA_B.Door Filename DM-Trash
Other name: ZAPA Adder (DM-Trash)
Lenght packed: 4764 VT recognizes P-Packer
Unpacked length: 7636 VT recognizes ZAPA
against AmiExpress ???
dm-tr.lha 5135 bytes unpacked: dm-trash 4764 bytes
the following text (doc) is included for deception:
New virus ... caused by the new FIXED (?) Version
of DMS 1.11 Turbo!
It is some kind of link virus and uses devices
like DH0 :, LIBS :, and BBS: (!!) etc.
Have my own attempts with FangFiles (I didn't have AmiExpress)
result that the following files are changed by dm-trash
den: bbs: config1 bbs: user.data bbs: user.key
The files were extended and ZAPA entered.
dm-trash. Probably a super level for a box
gear can be created. So for normal Amiga users no
VT offers delete.
Removal: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
Kickstart all others: VirusZ III with Xvs.library installed
Original test by Heiner Schneegold
Translated from german to english by Google translate