Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
BootX Recoqfile Updater Fake Virus
BootX Recoqfile Updater Fake Virus:
Filelength: 2052
This file appeared on an american BBS system and was
spreaded as BootX updater. This is a trojan horse containing
only a formatterroutine. I think the purpose of this programm
is to damage the reputation of SHI@.
The virus opens a window with the following text:
'RAW:0/0/640/200/BootX-Updater by SHI Safe'
'Hex International, Erik Loevendahl Soerensen'
'This program updates the BootX-Recognition-'
'Files, so BootX will know 87 new'
'viruses. Sometimes the update-procedure fails'
' and your (hard)disk will be'
'quick-formatted, but this is not a big bug'
', simply use an undelete-tool like'
'quaterback-tools or disksalv. But mostly'
' updating works fine and the result'
'is a new powerful BootX-Version! Even '
'better, some people think of the'
'quick-formatting-bug as a great feature, '
'because by quick-formatting all'
'viruses get destroyed, so everybody should'
' use BootX-Updater!!'
'You can become a member of the famous SHI-'
'organization, if you supply SHI'
'with at least one virus per month. Self-'
'-programming of viruses is very'
'welcome, by this way we will learn about'
' future virus-techniques and we'
'can control anything, both viruses and '
'antiviruses. It is absolutely legal'
'to program viruses, because SHI doesn't '
'spread these viruses.'
'Only programmers of antivirusprograms can'
' get these new viruses from SHI,'
'Either by exchanging viruses or by paying'
' 5$ for each 1 KB Virus. I think'
'this is a fair price for all the idealistic'
' work, SHI is doing. So if you are'
' able to supply us with at least one new'
' virus per month, join SHI'
' SHI Safe Hex '
'Erik Loevendahl Soerensen (also known as '
'the master of the virus-universe',27,')'
' Snaphanevej 10, 4720 Praestoe'
' Denmark - Europe'
'sys:system/format ......
Antivirus removal...: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
Kickstart all others: VirusZ III with Xvs.library installed
Test by Markus Schmall Detection tested 30.12.1993.