Jeff Butonic v4.55 Virus - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

Amiga Antivirus Website

    Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
    Jeff Butonic v4.55 Virus 

    Butonic 4.55 Virus:
    This is a simple Butonic 1.31 clone.Only the texts were changed.
    Due to the case that I did not explain the older Butonic,I  will
    describe this one:

    Changed vectors : $68 (only in the Zeropage)
                      -454(DOIO / EXEC)
                      Length:3408 bytes

    The virus copiers itself with  a  filename,which will be  one of
    the names listed,to a disk and changes the Startup-Sequence. The
    name of the virus will  be  copied at the first position of  the
    Startup-Sequence.The length  will be  not increased. As a result
    the last entry in  the  file will be  cutted and works  in  many

    Intuition Displayalert Text:

            ' hoffentlich stoere ich sehr !',0
            '* I am JEFF - the old Virus family for '
            'an Amiga * (w) by the nicely  BUTONIC.',0
            'HV 4.55/29.02.93 - Generation Nr.00001',0
            'ZKillings goto* BootX    *,* VirusZ   *,'
            ' Virus_Checker ,',0
            'Viruscope, Maus , Virus-Checker , Virus'
            ' Control and big VT !!',0

    Texts for the Windowname:

            'Hallo gib die Cola her !',0
            'Lass die Chips roesten und nicht rosten '
            'Nimm die Birne weg sonst krachts!',0
            'Wenn Du nicht spurst dann gibts $!',0
            'Schaem Dich Du Banause lass es sause Jun'
            'ge  ...aber nicht schlappi...!',0
            'Willst Du Nachhilfe oder was is los  ?',0
            'Gib es auf Du lahmer socke...',0
            'Wer andern eine Grube graebt faellt selb'
            'st in dieselbige !!!',0
            'Wo willste den jetzt wieder hin',0
            'Kannst Du mal Ruhe geben Du alter Knoche'
            'n-Kerl ...',0
            'Liebst Du Viren, dann weiss ich auch, we'
            'r Dich am meisten hasst',0

    Names for the virusfiles:

            'LoadWB       ',0
            'Mount  ',0
            'Cls      ',0
            'VirusY   ',0
            'setclock opt i ',0
            'info ',0
            'Obelix ',0
            'Idefix ',0
            'Asterix  ',0

    Detection tested on 31.07.1993.

    (Remember to fix the Startup-Sequence !)

    Comment 05.08.1993: It appeared a file called "sd-tv",which  claims
    to be SnoopDos 1.9.I cannot say,if this is a real update or a fake,
    but this file installs the "Butonic 4.55" virus in the memory.

    This file was created by the use of Hunklab.

    Removal: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
             Kickstart all others: VirusZ III with Xvs.library installed

    Test by Markus Schmall               Detection tested on 05.08.1993.

    Screenshot of Jeff Butonic v4.55 Virus:


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