CCHack 2 Trojan - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

Amiga Antivirus Website

 Amiga Virus Encyclopedia    
 CCHack 2 Trojan

 Other name: CalingCard Hacker
 Hi All.....

 There has been released a program that is said to be a CallingCard Hacker,
 if you  start the program it  will look for a BBS: assign,  and  then read
 the file. This textstring is coded in the the file. Why a hacker
 program for CallingCards, want to read the 'BBS:User.Data', I do not know,
 but do not trust this program....

 Here is some info about the trojan:

 Name.....: CCHACK2.exe
 Size.....: 11216 Bytes (unpacked).

 If you start the program this will be displayed:
 MCI CallingCard Hacker by ByTePaCkEr/Finland 1995

 Usage: CChack2.exe < CALLINGCARD.NR. >

 VT v2.72 will find this 'thing', but in the doc to VT, Heiner states that
 the file has a size of 11368 Bytes (unpacked), so maybe there is an other
 version of this trojan,  and maybe the name of this is 'CCHACK.EXE', I do
 not know.

 This 'thing' is on it's way to every wellknown antivirus programmer, that
 will accept new virus from us.

 Thanx again to Kim B. a great virushunter, for uploading it to us.....
 And to Markus Schmall for the first info about this 'thing'...

 Removal: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
          Kickstart all others: VirusZ III with Xvs.library installed
                                       _________    _
 Jan Andersen.                    ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
 Virus Help - Team Denmark.      /"""/   //_______   /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
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