CompuPhagozyte 2 Virus - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

Amiga Antivirus Website

    Amiga Virus Encyclopedia    
    CompuPhagozyte 2 Virus

    Compuphazygote 2 & VirusZ_II 1.02 Viruses:

    Filelength: 1148 bytes

    Damage: On every inserted disk (via ICDMP flag) will be the new
    file  "c:VirusZ"  or  "c:virusx"  with  a  length of 1148 bytes
    written. The virus waits for the diskinserted flag and for  the
    closewindow flag. At the bottom of the file there somekind of
    hardware read/write code, which will be only accessed if the
    files could not be opened correctly.

    Simply copy the viruskillers back to c:

    Text, which can be read at the end of the VirusZ II 1.02 virus:

    'This is a new Utility for your amiga computer ! '
    'It gives you safety to all new virii in future!'
    'No vectors can changed anymore so your computer'
    'is safe ! ! ! '
    'VirusZ II 1.02 Georg Hörmann',0

    Text, which  can  be  read  at the  end of the Compuphazygote 2

    'The CompuPhagozyte has attached to your '
    'system !'
    'Wait for  new virus in other computer-systems'
    'The CompuPhagozyte in 9.91 by The Emperor'
    ' Of Trillion  Bytes !'
    'VirusX 5.00 by Steve Tibbett'

    Detection tested (VirusZ Virus)

    Removal: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
             Kickstart all others: VirusZ III with Xvs.library installed

    Test by Markus Schmall                             26.12.1993.


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