Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
CompuPhagozyte 3 Virus
Name : CompuPhagozyte 3
Aliases : CompuPhagozyte 568
CompuPhagozyte 592
Other names : CompuPhagozyte 2
CompuPhagozyte 5
Type : File
Size : 568 bytes
592 bytes
Clones : No Clones
Symptoms : No Symptoms
Discovered : 26 october 1992
Way to infect: No Infection
Rating : Harmless
Kickstarts : 1.2
Damage : No Damage
Manifestation: Pretends to be the cls-command.
Comments : If you`re starting the virus it clears the actual
window by doing 30 Returns (!!!! LAMER !!!!). After
that it copies itself to $7C000 and changes the Cool-
Capture. That`s ALL. No spreading or destroying...
In the end of the file you can read:
The COMPUPhagozyte in 9.91!!. The Emperor Of Trillion
Bytes" "strikes back !!
The different filelengths must be handmade while you do not find
a code in the program that'll explain differences in length.
Cool always $7C000
Probably made as cls-call because the Shell-vindow is deleted
with more than one " ",0a.
In the program you can read:
200A5468 6520434F 4D505550 6861676F .The COMPUPhago
7A797465 20696E20 392E3931 20212121 zyte in 9.91 !!!
0A546865 20456D70 65726F72 204F6620 .The Emperor Of
5472696C 6C696F6E 20427974 65732073 Trillion Bytes s
7472696B 65732062 61636B20 21210A1F trikes back !!..
Places a little prg. at $7C000. This should be reset-proof, but
ith 1MB. This program deletes Cold, Warm, KickMem,
KickTag, KickCheckSum.
KS2.04: GURU A after a reset
Removal : Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
Kickstart all others: VirusZ III with Xvs.library installed
Test made by : Safe Hex International & Heiner Schneegold