COP CygnusEd v4.0 Trojan - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

Amiga Antivirus Website

 Amiga Virus Encyclopedia    
 COP CygnusEd v4.0 Trojan
 Other name: Circle Of Power 13

 Hi All.                                                        27-03-1995

 There has just been released a archive called 'CED4.LHA', and there are a
 dectructiv program in the archive:

 CED4     174500 bytes (Unpacked)

 The FILE_ID.DIZ looks like this:


 The "Sucker"  started  in the S: directory  replacing the  data's in EVERY
 file with  the text  'CIRCLE OF POWER 1995:',  so the startup-sequence and
 rest of the files in the S: dir was  totally destroyed.  This goes for all
 files in your 'DEVS:' directory to.

 The CED4 looks a lot like the fake 'NComm 3.2' and 'LHA30.LHA' it does the
 same things to your HD and disk's.

 Please take care,  there is a  lot of fake programs around, that does this
 thing. Checke everything before you start it.

 The archive is now on it's way to every wellknown anti-virus programer.

 Removal: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
 Kickstart all others: VirusZ III, and also Xvs.library must be installed

 Thanx to Kim B., for sending the 'thing' to us....

 Best Regards.....
                                        _________    _
 Jan Andersen.                    ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
 Virus Help - Team Denmark.      /"""/   //_______   /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
                                /   /   //"""/"  / //   /  //____   \_
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