COP FutureTracker Trojan - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

Amiga Antivirus Website

Amiga Virus Encyclopedia    
COP FutureTracker Trojan
Other mane: Circle Of Power 3

 Hi All......                                                   19-04-1995

 Okay there is another 'Circle Of Power' trojan around. This time it is in
 a fake ProTracker  called 'FutureTracker'.  It will do  the same thing as
 the  other trojans  that 'COP' has released  in the last month, only this
 time it will rewrit e every file in DEVS:, L:, and S:,  with another file
 where you can read this:

 [cOp]: Khanan / Circle Of Power :[cOp]

 This time the 'thing' will show a text on the screen (See the Iff.Pic in
 this archive). Here is what it says:

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - START - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


                           cIrcle of pOwer'95



Sweden's no.1, "CIRCLE OF POWER" rammed yer arse again!! Have phun retyping
              all those valueble config's. haha! Fuck you all!



 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - END  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 This text will come to your screen when 'FutureTracker' is replacing the
 files on your harddisk.

 Here is some info about the program:

 Archive name......: TRSI-FT.LHA
 Archive size......: 278290 bytes
 Files in archive..: FutureTracker      317608 bytes
                     FILE_ID.DIZ           360 bytes
                     FutureTracker.cfg    1065 bytes
                     FutureTracker.doc      90 bytes

 The FILE_ID.DIZ looks like this:

          _ _ __________________________- --.
 .--------\\\\_   ___/___    /  ______/--^-|.
 |  bACk tO  |    |   __/  _/______  \     |:
 | tHe rOOTs l____|___/     \_________\____||
 | FutureTracker - ProTracker Clone by PSI! |
 | 6 channels, 256 samples, full MIDI port! |

 This thing is on it's way to every wellknown antivirus programmer, who
 will accept new virus from 'Virus Help'.

 Removal: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
          Kickstart all others: VirusZ III, and also Xvs.library must be installed

 Thanx to Kim B. for uploading this thing to our BBS.

                                       _________    _
 Jan Andersen.                    ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
 Virus Help - Team Denmark.      /"""/   //_______   /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
                                /   /   //"""/"  / //   /  //____   \_
                                \      //   /  ____/   /  //""""/X\@!/
                                 \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/

Screenshot of COP FutureTracker Trojan:
Screenshot of Screenshot of COP FutureTracker Trojan

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