Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
Dumdum 2 Virus
DumDum 2 Bootblockvirus:
Uses blocks 0-5 and works with Kickstart 3.0 and 2.04. The
virusmaincode is located in block 2 and 3. The first both
blocks only contain a simple loaderroutine (trackdisk).
All data in the blocks 2-5 will be destoyed (sorry no
rescue possible). If a file was in this blocks, it cannot
be used anymore.
Changed vectors:
Cool, Doio, DosRead, DosOpen, DosWrite.
If a counter reached $50, a destroyroutine will be started
and e.g. the rootblock will be changed.
In the 4.virusblock you can read 2 time "dos.library" and
The virus will be installed $1800 bytes under the
maxlocmem area !
Special thanks must go to Ingo Schmidt for supporting this
Removal: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
Kickstart all others: VirusZ III, and also Xvs.library must be installed
Test by Markus Schmall Detection tested on 19.12.1993
Screenshot of Dumdum 2 Virus:
Ascii of Dumdum 2 virus