Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
Eleni 3 MessAngel Installer
ELENI 3 Installer + ELENI! SysB file:
ELENI 3 sysb file:
This name is based on the location of this file: "sys:b"
This file is 1504 bytes long and contains the bootblockvirus
and a little DOS startprogramm for it. Please read in the
bootblockvirussection for more information about this virus.
ELENI! Installer:
Filelength: 1808 bytes (packed with TurboSqueezer 8.0)
7100 bytes unpacked
This file pretends to be a viruskiller for the MessAngel
virus. If you start the programm, the Startup-Sequence
will be loaded and a new command will be placed in it.
Due to extremly lame programming, there will be always
saved 5000 bytes from the Startup-Sequence, even if it
was only 1000 bytes long before. Then the file "sys:b"
will be saved to disc and the following message will be
shown on the screen:
'MessAngel killer by Docker of Twist!'
'Checking startup-sequence...'
'Right to disable from memory!'
This text is a pure fake. For more information about the
ELENI! virus, please read the description here !!!!
Detection tested 30.09.1994.
In the document there will be mentioned two telephonenumber,
which you can call, if you have problems with the fake
viruskiller. This are , as far as I know, the numbers from
the swedish DATOR magazine. Another hint that this virus was
created somewhere in Scandinavia....
Comment 03.10.1994:
It appeared a special MessKill Repair programm (v0.9), which
installs a new LoadSeg patch. This patch will be removed by
VirusWorkshop, too.
Special thanks to MFM/Skid Row for first warning concerning
this virus !
Removal: VirusZ III, and also Xvs.library must be installed
Test by Markus Schmall
Screenshot of Eleni 3 (MessAngel) Installer Virus: