Fileghost Virus I & II Installer - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

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    Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
    Fileghost Virus I & II Installer

    Fileghost Virus Installers I+II:
    Filelength: 8160 Bytes (first one)
                8116 Bytes (second one)

    This file claims to be a speedup system for loading files. In the text
    it`s said that the LOADSEG und NEWLOADSEG vectors will be changed. Yes
    that`s true, but only the virus will be installed and nothing else.

    Quite intelligent.

    The  file which  was in my archiv,  is not startable, because the file
    was changed by 1 byte.

    ' find DH0:C/SETPATCH!'
    '» Can't load Setpatch.Maybe read-protected'
    'HardSpeeder © by Christian Neumann.'
    'Patch installed....'
    'This Utility was written for HardDisk-'
    'Especially for Sysops.'
    'The HardSpeeder installs a Patch in the'
    'LoadSeg and NewLoadSeg - Vektor.'
    'After the installation it will load ALL P'
    'rograms faster than usually.'
    'HardSpeeder needs SETPATCH installed '
    'in DH0:C !!!'
    '© by Christian Neumann (Public Domain - '
    'USE IT!!)'

    Both installers activate the same virus. Nothing has changed !
    After the file "dh0:c/setpatch" was found, the virus will be activated

    Differences between the first and the second installer:
    The second installer crashes at WB start, due to missing startup.

    Both installers try to install the Fileghost 1 virus !

    Removal: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
             Kickstart all others: VirusZ III, and also Xvs.library must be installed
                                               Detection tested 28.12.1993

                       Detection retested for the new installer 08.07.1994

    Test by Markus Schmall...

    Screenshot of Fileghost Virus I & II Installer:


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