HappyNewYear Type B Installer - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

Amiga Antivirus Website

     Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
     HappyNewYear Type C Installer
     - HappyNewY.96 Inst. Installer
         Type B
         Known file names:
         - stoer4.exe Length: 57644 bytes
         - mfs format length: 16448 bytes
         VT2.79 should find the HappyNewYear in memory, at
         Filetest but do NOT report. That could be that
         missing installer file. Thank you
         From VT2.80, type B should also be found in the filetest.

       Note 05/16/96:
         A file has appeared.
         Name: stoer4.exe Length: 57644 bytes
         This file was created using the 4EB9 method. In this
         File is found with the VT-BlockKetteTest an HNY96. To the
         the virus section CANNOT find the corresponding place in the file
         HAVE linked yourself. So someone helped.
         From VT2.84 the part should also be recognized during the filetest.
       VT only offers deletions.
         Two lessons:
         - 4EB9 files are FREQUENTLY harmless, BUT NOT ALWAYS.
         - Try floppy or RAD security: also the
           BlockITest and the BlockKetteTest with VT. Thank you
       Note 96-10-05:
         A file has appeared.
         Name: mfs-format ??? Length: 16448 bytes
         In this file an HNY96 in the
         3.Hunk (!!!) found. At the appropriate place in the file
         the virus part did NOT link itself. So someone has it
         From VT2.91 the part should also be recognized during the filetest.    

     Original test by Heiner Schneegold
     Translated from german to english by Google translate


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