HappyNewYear 96 & 97 Virus - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

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Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
HappyNewYear 96 & 97 Virus

Entry...............: H.N.Y.96. / H.N.Y 97
Alias(es)...........: Happy_New_Year_96, Happy_New_Year_97
Known clones........: Aram Doll
Virus detected when.: 11/1995
              where.: Austria, Germany, Holland, Poland and USA
Classification......: Link virus, memory-resident, not reset-resident
Length of Virus.....: 1. Length on storage medium:  540 Bytes
                      2. Length in RAM:             540 Bytes

                      Happy New Year97 uses Filepart() instead of
                      LoadSeg infection and the static length 628 bytes.
                      All other commands are 100% equal.

--------------------- Preconditions ------------------------------------

Operating System(s).: AMIGA-DOS
Version/Release.....: 2.04 and above (V37+)
Computer model(s)...: all models/processors (MC68000-MC68060)

--------------------- Attributes ---------------------------------------

Easy Identification.: Text at the end of the first hunk: "Happy_New_Year_96"

Type of infection...: Self-identification method in files: 
                      -  Searches for $65772059 in the first Hunk.

                      Self-identification method in memory:
                      -  Checks for $2f08 in the LoadSeg function

                      System infection: 
                      -  RAM resident, infects the LoadSeg() code of
                         DOS library

                      Infection preconditions:
                      - device has more than 4 free sectors
                      - file is longer than $960 bytes and shorter than
                        $1e460 bytes
                      - Hunk_Code is found in the area behind the HUNK_
                        header (NO CHECK FOR RUNAWAYS!!!)
                      - The filename contains this not a "-" and does
                        not contains ".l". This is probably to be secure
                        no to infect a library.
                      - $4e75 is found at the end of the first CODEHUNK
                        or $4e75 is in the last $3f words of this hunk.

Infection Trigger...: Accessing the volume
Storage media affected: all DOS-devices

Interrupts hooked...: LoadSeg() of DOS will be used for the infection code.
                      The routine is a little bit buggy and trashes the
                      a1 register.

Damage..............: Permanent damage: 
                      - None
                      Transient damage: 
                      - None
Damage Trigger......: Permanent damage:
                      - None
                      Transient damage: 
                      - None

Particularities.....: This virus uses no encryption routines to hide it`s
                      code. The LoadSeg() patch isn`t 100% clear and
                      trashes the adress register A1.

Similarities........: Link-method is comparable to the Crime
                      series. End of the first hunk will be the loc.
                      for the virus and the last "RTS" will be replaced.

Stealth.............: no stealth abilities found

Armouring...........: The virus uses only some special adresscommands to
                      confuse the AV people.

Installers..........: DemoManiac 2.19 fake (dop-dm1.dms)
                      DeTag0.63 (detag063.lha)

--------------------- Agents -------------------------------------------

Countermeasures.....: VT 2.79, VW 5.8
Countermeasures successful: all of the above
Standard means......: -

--------------------- Acknowledgement ----------------------------------

Location............: (C) Markus Schmall, Hannover, Germany
Classification by...: Markus Schmall
Documentation by....: Markus Schmall
Date................: November,24. 1995
Information Source..: Reverse engineering of original virus
Copyright...........: Markus Schmall, the VTC Uni Hamburg is allowed to
                      use this document in their libraries. SHI is
                      forbidden to use this document in any form.
===================== End of H.N.Y.96. Virus ============================

Antivirus...........: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
                      Kickstart all others: VirusZ III v1.04B or higher, and also Xvs.library v33.47 or higher

Notes about the known clones:

Aram Doll is a normal linkvirus with 560 byte length. It`s not crypted and
uses the LastAlert pointer of Execbase for the selfrecognition in memory.
The LoadSeg patch differs a little bit.

HEX dump of HappyNewYear 96 virus:

HEX dump of HappyNewYear 97 virus:

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