JizAnSi 1.2 Gagvirus - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

Amiga Antivirus Website

    Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
    JizAnSi 1.2 Gagvirus
    JizAnSi 1.2 Gagvirus:
    Filelength 22008 bytes unpacked.

    This file  is spreaded as  new ANSI  converter for the AMIGA.
    Quite nice. If you start it,  a little window  will be opened
    and the following texts appears:

    Formatting cylinder xx
    Verifiying cylinder xx

    The programms  increases the  cylindernumbers.  It`s probably
    written in GFA Basic and the creator the the virus had access
    to the original  source of it,  because  the routines are not
    simply linked on it, they are implented.

    Better delete the file !!!

    (I don`t know, if a real JizAnsi 1.2 is existing.)

    Spreaded with the following FILE-ID:
     ______/\________ _____/\ ________________  
     \____/   ______//    /  \\______   \____/
       \_/    \_   \/    /\   \|    |\   \_/    
         \     |    \    \/   /|   /\/   /      
          \__  _____/\_______/ |___\  __/       
    <--------\/-- GL0BAL 0VERD0SE --\/--------->
    Cracked: JiZaNSi 1.2 - IFF 2 Ansi Converter

    Here the short document:
    >Released on : 08-04-94
    >Files enclosed
    >Limitations to the picture
    >320 * 256, 5 bitplanes, IFF ILBM (BYTERUN1 compressed)
    >The more color changes per line, the bigger the resulting ANSI-file
    >will get.
    >Limitations to the conversion
    >You can use 1 to 5 bitplanes. No limits
    >No "most-used-color" optimization is done... use as much color 0 as
    >possible produces the smallest files...
    >Format:  IFF32ANSI IFFPicture ANSIFile
    >Note: There is no business like showbusiness.
    >Twilight Trio.

    Removal: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
             Kickstart all others: VirusZ III, and also Xvs.library must be installed
    Test by Markus Schmall                   Detection tested 14.08.1994


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