Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
MAD II Virus
======== Computer Virus Catalog 1.2: MAD II Virus (20-FEB-1993) ========
Entry...............: MAD II Virus
Alias(es)...........: ---
Virus Strain........: ---
Virus detected when.: ---
where.: North Germany
Classification......: System Virus (Bootblock, Resident)
Length of Virus.....: 1.Length on storage medium 1024 Byte
2.Length in RAM 1024+20 Byte
--------------------- Preconditions ------------------------------------
Operating System(s).: AMIGA-DOS
Version/Release.....: 1.2 Only (Absolute DoIO)
Computer model(s)...: AMIGA 500,1000,2000
--------------------- Attributes ---------------------------------------
Easy Identification.: Bootblock dump: "MAD II Virus ,..."
Type of infection...: Bootblock, Resident, Overwriting any unprotected
disk-bootblock (no harddisks)
Infection Trigger...: Reset, disk-access on block 0
Storage media affected: Diskettes
Interrupts hooked...: Pointers: Kicktag, Coolcap, Coldcap
Damage..............: Overwriting bootblock
Overwriting disk-data (only on special systems,
see below)
Damage Trigger......: 13 resets
Particularities.....: Destruction routine seems to use illegal
undocumented op-codes. This routine will
only work on Amigas with a special version of
the 68000 Processor.
Similarities........: Gadaffi, Mad-Strain (only name)
--------------------- Agents -------------------------------------------
Countermeasures.....: Names of tested products of Category 1-6:
Category 1: AVM0.235
Category 2: AVM0.235
Category 3: AVM0.235,VC6.03,VT2.40,VIRUSZ
Category 4: Impossible
Category 5: ---
Category 6: Impossible
Countermeasures successful: AVM0.235, VC6.03,VT2.40,VIRUSZ
Standard means......: VT2.40
--------------------- Acknowledgement ----------------------------------
Location............: Virus Test Center, University Hamburg, FRG
Classification by...: Soenke Freitag
Documentation by....: Soenke Freitag
Date................: 17-December-1992
Information Source..: ---
===================== End of MAD II Virus ==============================
Antivirus...........: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
Kickstart all others: VirusZ III v1.04B or higher, and also Xvs.library v33.47 or higher
Ascii of Mad II virus: