NoVi Virus (Terrorist 2 Clone) - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
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Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
NoVi Virus (Terrorist 2 Clone)
Name : NoVi
Aliases : Terrorist 2
Type : File virus
Size : 1612 Bytes
Discovered : 28 december 1991
Way to infect: Any disk with a startup
Rating : Less Dangerous
Kickstarts : 1.2
Damage : Take name of the first file in Startup-sequence
the org. file is the placed after C/.Fastdir
Remowal : Delete the file that is infected and replace it
an org. one
Comments : This is a simple Terrorist-CLONE just the original
check-longword (TTV1) was changed with an
ASCII-Editor in "NoVI".
Test made by : Safe Hex International