Promoter 1 Virus - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

Amiga Antivirus Website

    Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
    Promoter 1 Virus

    Promoter 1 Virus:

    Filelength 1848 Bytes (unpacked)

    This one seems  to be a little trojan,  which tries to copy itself
    from disc  to disc  using the disc-valida tor. It will be tried to
    write a new file called "df0:l/disc-validator". The virus contains
    no real destructive routine and is only interesting for KS < 2.04.
    The  virus  contains a  little  intuition  routine to display some
    texts. This  routine is buggy,  because a cachefault will be made.
    Pure code from a beginner.

    You can read the following texts in the virus:

    'Learn from the great master about the my'steries of BCPL'
    'I am the Kickstart 2.0 - PROMOTER - Virus'
    'Please stop using Kickstart 1.2/1.3'
    'and I will stop bothering you'
    'This masterpiece of brilliant software was designed by'
    'the marvellous VaginaMan, always deep inside the mysteries'
    'sponsored by Commodore Australia for remembering'
    'you to switch over to Kickstart 2.0 !!'
    'This is PROMOTER 1, coming soon PROMOTER 2,  which won't be such
    'nice as Number 1'
    'So this is your last chance to switch'
    'to Kickstart 2.0 with all',0
    'your data, because Number 2 will be very'
    'destructive and infectious,',0
    'of course only for Kickstart 1.2/1.3-Users, because our motto is'
    'PROMOTE Kickstart 2.0'

    Test by Markus Schmall                  Detection tested 18.2.1995


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