Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
SCA Virus
Name : SCA
Aliases : No Aliases
Type : Bootblock
Size : 1024 bytes
Clones : Too many clones to list them all here.
Symptoms : No Symptoms
Discovered : 15 november 1987, Germany
Way to infect: Boot infection
Rating : Harmless
Kickstarts : 1.2
Damage : Overwrites boot
Manifestation: -
Removal : Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
Kickstart all others: VirusZ III v1.04ß or higher, and also Xvs.library v33.47 or higher
Info : The virus is resident by using CoolCapture
The virus is not encrypted
The virus is located at ram-address $7EC00
If you boot the Amiga with an infected disk while
pressing the left mouse-button the virus deinstall
itself from memory. As an indicator the screen will
turn green.
Display : Each 15th infection the virus starts a graphical
routine which displays message below.
Comments : The SCA-Virus is a very simply one. It copies itself
to $7EC00 and patches the Cool-Vector to stay resident
resident in memory. After a reset the virus uses the
DoIO()-Vector to infect other disks.
BORING, isn`t it? What is the special thing of the
really boring virus ??? Yes. You have guessed it!
The SCA-Virus was the FIRST real AMIGA-virus. It was
created by a group of SWISS Crackers called the:
(S)wiss (C)racking (A)ssociation.
Some old cool dudes from the scene will recognize them
and their productions. As this virus was created more
and more good coders raped their ability to code more,
more and more viruses (Byte Bandit and Byte Warrior)
are also little "legends" besides the SCA.
As you can think by yourself the SCA-Virus was very
wide spreaden by swappers and especially on the so
called "Copy-Parties" from the sceners. In that time
nobody knows much about the topic "Amiga-Viruses", so
nearly every Amiga-User was infected.
The same dudes which coded the SCA virus before, gave
out a special SCA-Killer. Yes, a virus killer which
should kill a virus done by the same person, who maked
the SCA virus before.
The SCA-Virus and his virus killer was probably coded
by a man called 'CHRIS'
I don`t know exactlty if it is the CODENAME or his
real name. In a very old TRISTAR-Demo this virus was
discussed by the just formed TRISTAR crew. I the
greetingslist you can read:
"SCA (Hey CHRIS! we are thinking that your SCA-Virus
is great. But we also think that we are the only one."
Or something like that. Make your own picture of the
the SCA-Virus.
The virus gives out a GFX-message every 15th infection:
"Something wonderful has happened"
"Your AMIGA is alive !!!"
", and even better"
"Some of you disks are infected"
"by a VIRUS !!!"
"Another masterpiece of"
"The Mega-Mighty SCA !!"
(Animation of the SCA Original Bootblock Virus)
Info: The 'SCA virus' is the first computer virus created for the Commodore
Amiga and one of the first to gain public notoriety. It first appeared in
November 1987.
Test made by : Safe Hex International