Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
STD-Crabs 1 Dropper
Hi All.... 06.02.1999
The installer of the new link-virus "STD-Crabs_1" have been found.
It is a fake version of "Miami DELUXE 0.9c". If you run the file
"MiamiDx.beta" from the archive, it will infect every executed file
with the "STD-Craps" virus. At this time only the viruskiller 'VT
v3.14' is abel to find and remove this virus. VirusZ, VirusChecker
and xvs.library will be updated as soon as possible.
Here is some info about the trojan/virus:
----------------------------- INFO START --------------------------
Archive name.....: mdlx09c.lha
Archive size.....: 882.398 bytes
Dropper File.....: MiamiDx_Install/MiamiDx.beta
Dropper Size.....: 439.724 bytes
Virus installed..: STD-Crap linkvirus
File_Id.Diz......: ___ �fASt iNT3RNEt sERV�Ce�
_(___) _______ _____ _____
\ \ __.\ ._ \__\__ \__\ \__
/ /[__� |/ / /___/_ __/ [sTZ!]
/___/ |___| /.________/_____|
| |
| Miami DELUXE 0.9c |
| keyfiles with this pack |
| |
------------------------------- INFO END -------------------------
Thanks to David Knell, for sending archives and infected files.
__ Jan Andersen
__ /// -------------
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