TRG Loader Bootblock virus - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
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Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
TRG Loader Bootvirus
Name : TRG Loader
Aliases : No Aliases
Type : Bootblock
Size : 1024 bytes
Symptoms : No Sypmtoms
Discovered : 5 may 2020
Origin : Italy
Way to infect: Boot infection
Rating : Middel
Kickstarts : 1.3 - Yes
2.0 - Yes
3.1 - Yes
Damage : Overwrites Bootblock
Removal : VirusZ III v1.04ß or higher, and also Xvs.library v33.47 or higher
Symptomatic : dos.library
Call disable funktion
$0026: dos.library
$0198: Trackdisk wedge code
$0244: Trackdisk wedge code
Information : 2 operations detected
Important : The virus will rename the text in the virus to name of the disk name
If the name of the floppy disk is 'Workbench1.3', the virus renames
the text in the bootblock to 'WORKBENCH1.3 LOADER!!'
That means that there could be a lot of mutations out there
Text in virus: In the coded virus, you can always read:
at $5c to $60 : LOADER!!
at $3f0 to $3ff: Mvj/Mvj./KYH]FCI
Decoded text : Hi Guys!! Virus made in ITALY onjan90 by GAB! ofTRG!! 17/04/1970
Watch out! Brandnew ones will beout really soon!Bye Bye! DVGRILF
Credit : Thanks to CrashDisk for sending this virus to us
Test made by : Jan Andersen, Virus Help Team
Test updated : 26 september 2020
Ascii of TRG Loader (Decoded) bootblock virus: