Virus Construction Set I Installer - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

Amiga Antivirus Website

    Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
    Virus Construction Set I Installer

    Virus Construction Set I Installer:

    Filelength: 19452 Bytes unpacked
                10192 Bytes PP2.3 packed

    If you start the file, a PAL screen will be opened and a logo
    will be shown.
    This is the installer of the VCS I Virus. You can enter a text
    and the virus will be written to disk.

    Nothing more to say, except this: The handle Max/Starlight
    was now used for more than 4 viruses. Isn`t it possible to
    catch this guy ?

    Visible texts in the unpacked file:

    'StarLight !!S'                 < -at the top of file
    'BMHD',0                        < -parts of the IFF picture
    '3m               StarLight presents:  '
    '0m             Virus Construktion  Set '
    'Bitte Virus-Text eingeben (max.60 Zeiche'
    'er Virus-Text erscheint nach 5 Infektionen'
    'Legen Sie eine Diskette ins Laufwerk DF0: ein,'
    'um den neuen BootVirus zu installieren.'
    'Drücken Sie dann den linken Maus-Button.'
    'Konnte BootBlock nicht schreiben...'
    'Linke Maus = Nochmal'
    'NuAlles klar... Viel Spaß mit dem neuen '

    Removal: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
             Kickstart all others: VirusZ III, and also Xvs.library must be installed

    Test by Markus Schmall

    Picture of Virus Contruction Set v1.0 Program (VHT Test):

    Ascii of Virus Contruction Set v1.0 Bootblock):


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