Virus Mem Kill 3.00 Trojan - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

Amiga Antivirus Website

    Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
    Virus Mem Kill 3.00 Trojan

    Virus Mem Kill 3.00 Trojan horse:

    Archivname  : vmk30.lha
    Filename    : vmk
    Filelength  : 2620 bytes (unpacked)
    File_ID.DiZ : VirusMemKill 3.00

    This is a fucking HD formatter and nothing else.

    The programm will open scsi.device at unit 0 and loads the
    RDB.  It will add 1 to the third longwort and decrease the
    offset $2b of the RDB.  If this value reaches 0, the first
    100kb  from  your  HD, starting  with  the  RDB,  will  be
    formatted using memory from adress 0.
    No rescue for the DATA is possible. Sorry.  Try to restore
    the RDB and to rescue as much files as possible (best with
    DiskSalv).  The  first  100  KB are lost and the partition
    datas, too.  Try  your  harddisc software  and restore the
    partition datas.

    The offset $2b in the RDB  describes some of the hardware-
    abilities of the harddisc.

    The archive  appeared 03.09.1994,  on  german and american
    mailboxsystems and on 05.09.1994, it was  on  nearly every
    better BBS.  We published a Z-Netz warning and an ordinary
    warning text on 04.09.1994. to warn the people.

    Test by Markus Schmall      Detection tested on 05.09.1994


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