Xtruder v3.5 Trojan - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia

Amiga Antivirus Website

 Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
 Xtruder v3.5 Trojan
 Hi All....

 There is a new trojan out. The trojan in inside Xtruder v3.5.  If you use a
 fakekey or the keyfile "Alex Holst #5",  Xtruder v3.5 will delete your SYS:
 partition. Virus Help Team Denmark can not support this kind of programming
 by an antivirus programmer, and will not support Xtruder with new viruses.
 We consider the procedure to be irresponsible and legally very questionable
 We think the programmer did himself and his program a great harm. The trust
 of the users should be gone.

 Here is a copy of a letter that Martin Wulffeld mailed in Virus_Amy:

 ------------------------------- START LETTER ------------------------------

 *** Area : VIRUS_AMY                               Date: 30 Jun 97 20:40:01
 *** From : Martin Wulffeld (39:141/124.53)
 *** To   : All
 *** About: Xtruder 3.5


 As some of you may know Xtruder 3.5 has done a bit of damage to peoples files.
 However, it has only affected those people who used a fake keyfile and
 hopefully also the criminal Bxxxx Pxxxxxxx (2:xxx/xx) who still owes my friend
 Alex Holst somewhere around 7000 Dkr. I hope all you fucknuts learned a
 lesson. From v3.6 and forward I will remove this behaviour.

 Peace out!

  . martin . kozmiq . wulffeld@post4.tele.dk .
  . see ya at roskilde'98 .

 --- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
 * Origin: Roskilde'97 - FANTASTIC! (39:141/124.53)

 -------------------------------- END LETTER -------------------------------

 Here is some info about this trojan & archive:

 Archive name.....: xtruder35.lha or xtrude35,lha
 Archive size.....: 447128 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)
 Trojan name......: Xtruder
 Trojan size......: 183700 bytes Unpacked.
 File-Id.Diz......: Xtruder 3.5 by Martin Wulffeld. This virus
                    killer can detect more than 248 filevira.
                    Has a screen mode- and font sensitive GUI
                    along with a comprehensive ARexx interface
                    and locale support.

 Don't start this program.....

 Removal: Kickstart 1.2 & 1.3 : VT-Schutz v3.17
          Kickstart all others: VirusZ III, and also Xvs.library must be installed

 __  ///       Jan Andersen
 \\\///       --------------


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