VirusChecker made by By Alex van Niel (Amiga) - Virus Help Team

Amiga Antivirus website

VirusChecker II v2.5 Release Info
Copyright © 1997-2004 by Alex van Niel

Short: VirusChecker II v2.5 (Brain v3.0) Author: Alex van Niel ( Version: 2.5 News in this version: In Virus_CheckerII: - Changed interface to VirusChecker.brain since I also changed it in the brainfile itself. - Fixed problems with the 'Edit Settings' function. When run from Cli it would cause unexpected results sometimes even locking VirusCheckerII up. This function REQUIRES you have VCPrefs in SYS:Prefs/ In the near future this will be configurable. - Fixed the lack of a task name of VirusCheckerII this was caused by the way VirusCheckerII is launched as sub-process. !WARNING! --------- This version of the VirusCheckerII REQUIRES version 3.0 or better of the brain. If you use any older version, this is totally at your own risc since unexpected errors and problems MIGHT occur! Which MIGHT cause loss of data. I am not and will never be responsible for any damage done. In VirusChecker.brain: - Redone interface to the routines of the brain. For future compatibility and easy acces for third party developers. - Fixed (again!) some bugs. A5 register mix-ups, return code problems etc etc - Fixed fail recog of AMOS Joshua Trojan in memory It would detect normal AMOS programs, sorry to all those who had problems. Thanks to everyone that reported it. AMOS remains a bit strange to me. (No offence meant.) !WARNING! -------- This version of the brain REQUIRES version 2.5 or better of VirusCheckerII. If you use any older version, this is totally at your own risc since unexpected errors and problems WILL occur! I am not and will never be responsible for any damage done. In Installer/Updater: - Fixed Version check problems (finally!) - Added choice of installation of translation Amiga Antivirus try:

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