Virus Warning - Virus Help Team

Denmark & Canada

COP Trojan

      Hello everybody...
      Warning ! The file lzx130.lha with the File ID:

      LZX Version 1.30 (Evaluation) Jun 5, 1995

      and the following files:

      LZX_68040                  65384 ----rwed Gestern    07:55:44
      LZX_68020                  64896 ----rwed Gestern    07:55:34
      LZX_68000EC                67680 ----rwed Gestern    07:55:20

      contains a COP trojan ! Don`t start it, it will trash your HD !
      It tries to fuck up the following dirs:


      All files will be overwritten with the following text and NO rescue is

                             =CIRCLE OF POcER=
                 [ THE RETURN OF THE POcER PEOPLE! PHEAR US! ]

      The destruction routine is the same as in the last one and does not
      seem to be from a prof. coder.

             Flake (Markus Schmall)

      P.S.: A special thanks must go to APOLLO/PDX for the warning. He started
      this one...

      Please support me with possible name of the first BBSs, where this viruses
      appear. Some persons here want to start a little "discussion"....

Virus Help Team
Denmark & Canada
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