Virus Warning - Virus Help Team

Denmark & Canada

Fake VirusZ II v1.19
 Warning ! A faked VirusZ_II 1.19 is going around. The filename is
 vzii-119.lha and contains some parts of the actual vzii-118.lha
 release from Georg Hoermann. The mainprogramm seems to be an older
 version of VirusZ with a filelength of 64664 bytes. I found no trojan
 in it. Please just delete the file. I called Georg and he told me,
 that he not released VirusZ_II 1.19 !

 File ID of the fake:

        _________    _
  /"""/   //_______   /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
 /   /   //"""/"  / //   /  //____   \_
 \      //   /  ____/   /  //""""/X\@!/
  \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
 --><><><><><><>- Presents-<><--
       VirusZ II v1.19 - (09.06.95)

 Probably just again somebody, who wants to destroy the good reputation
 of Virus Help and Georg Hoermann.

         Markus Schmall

Virus Help Team
Denmark & Canada
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