VirusWarning ! VirusWarning ! VirusWarning ! VirusWarning !
The archiv Gath95-!.lha contains a trojan ! DELETE IT !
Gath95-! Trojan:
Filelength: 14032 bytes unpacked (crypted with a simple loop)
other possible names: Achtung(.exe) trojan
This is a very simple trojan. It tries to format your dh0: using quick-
format and afterwards it will be tried to fill your dh0: using files
with the following names: dh0:lamer.aaaaa. The filesnames can differ in
the last chars (possible to really fill up the drive).
The trojan writes a new file with the name:
"ram:verwirrung" (a german word, which means irritation)
The the executecommand for the quickformat will be started. The new name
of the dh0: device is then LAMER.
This trojan is much more dangerous than the ordinary quickformat stuff,
because of the high amount of new written files (lamer.aaaax), the intern
structures of the qickformatted directory will be changed and a data loss
is in most cases not to prevent.
This trojan was spreaded as intro for the Gathering`95 party in Oslo.
|Virtual Dreams, Melon and Rage's New Intros
|The BEST CODE of 1994/95. Defintly! Get it!
+------------------------{ cSo/Ç(¿'g5! }---+
Detection tested 11.2.1995.
Special thanks to Mario/TRSi for keeping this virus for me !
Euronymous/TRSi for the warning !
Ixxy/TRSi for calling Mario
Markus Schmall