Hi All.....
There has just been found a fake Virus_Checker v6.60. Do not use this trojan
at all. The VC.guide is just a rewritten v6.57. Here is some info about the
Archive name... : VCHCK660.lzx
Archive Size... : about 122.000 bytes (Ripped for BBS adds)
VC v6.60 Size.. : 52400 bytes.
The newest version of Virus_Checker is at this time v6.58 (Brain v1.20).
This new trojan is on its way to every wellknown antivirus programmer, that
will accept new virus and trojan from us.
__ /// Jan Andersen FidoNet: 2:235/112.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ VIRUS HELP TEAM DENMARK VirNet : 9:451/247.0
... Did you know, that the newest version of VT is v2.74 !!!