Virus Warning - Virus Help Team

Denmark & Canada

MUI Patch 020+ trojan

 ...........................  VIRUS HELP DENMARK  ..........................

 Hi All....                                                         31.08.97

 There is an infected archive out. The archive is infected with a new string
 of the linkvirus "Happy New Year". It is said to be a patch for MUI written
 by Dave Jones.  But Dave Jones did not program this patch, some  stupid guy
 must be trying to damage Dave's name. Pretty lame.......

 VT v2.99 by Heiner Schneegold (28.08.97), will find and remove this sucker.

 Here is some info about this trojan & archive:

 ----------------------------- INFO START ----------------------------------

 Archive name.....: MUI020.LHA
 Archive size.....: 2709 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)
 Trojan name......: MUI_Patch
 Trojan size......: 2696 bytes (Unpacked).
 Archive text.....:

               Patch MUI 020+ version 1.1 by DJ (you know who!)


Simply unpack the archive into a directory and run the MUI_Patch program
which will then try to locate MUI:muimaster.library and make the necessary
modifications/optimizations to the libraries internals for an increase in
performance of some routines upto 35%

...Now when is Stefan going to release a truely written 020+ MUI???

-------------------------------- INFO END ---------------------------------

Pretty lame text.

Don't start this program.....

      __           Jan Andersen         E-Mail..:
 __  ///          --------------           FidoNet.:  2:237/38.100
 \\\///       Virus Help Team Denmark         AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
  \XX/              VirNet..: 9:451/247.0

Virus Help Team
Denmark & Canada
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