Virus Warning - Virus Help Team

Denmark & Canada

HappyNewYear 96 infected

 ...........................  VIRUS HELP DENMARK  ........................

 Hi All....                                                       20.06.98

 Another infected archive with the new "Happy New Year 96'" linkvirus  has
 now been found. The archive have been spread via AmiNet, but we have told
 the people behind AmiNet  about this archive,  and we hope that they will
 remove it.

 If your system has been infected, plaese use VT v3.08, VirusWorkshop v6.9
 Virus_Checker II v1.5 and VirusZ II v1.43.

 Here is some info about the infected archives:

> ------------------------------- INFO START -----------------------------

 Archive name.....: WinTool.lha
 Archive size.....: 13461 bytes (Ripped for BBS adds).
 Infected File....: WinTool (version 1.1)
 Infected Size....: 15296 bytes
 Infected with....: Happy New Year 96 Link-virus

 Archive info.....: This program will get information from another window,
                    and give the option to manipulate it. Close it, change
                    it, move it... Full source included. It is compiled in
                    debug mode, so it will be easy to find bugs. It should
                    be really easy to recompile it with no debug.

> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------

 Thanx to George Barkouris, for sending this archive to us.

      __           Jan Andersen         E-Mail..:
 __  ///          --------------           FidoNet.:  2:237/38.100
 \\\///       Virus Help Team Denmark         AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
  \XX/              VirNet..: 9:451/247.0

Virus Help Team
Denmark & Canada
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