Virus Warning - Virus Help Team

Denmark & Canada

PolishPower linkvirus

 ...........................  VIRUS HELP DENMARK  ........................

 Hi All....                                                       09.08.98

 Another new linkvirus has been found.  The archives name is still unknown
 all we have is the main file. It is a fake version of AMFTP v1.91. If you
 run this program,  5000 bytes will be added to every file that is run. If
 you decode the virus, you can read "POLISHPOWER-Virus" in the text.

 Here is some info about the infected file:

> ------------------------------- INFO START -----------------------------

 Archive name.....: ?
 Archive size.....: ? bytes (Ripped for BBS adds).
 Infected File....: AMFTP (version 1.91)
 Infected Size....: 126316 bytes
 Archive info.....:

> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------

 If you find an archive that contains AMFTP with the size "126316" bytes,
 please send it to me, or upload it to one of our support BBS'es.

 Thanx to Mr. Heiner Schneegold for the fast test of this file.

      __           Jan Andersen         E-Mail..:
 __  ///          --------------           FidoNet.:  2:237/38.100
 \\\///       Virus Help Team Denmark         AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
  \XX/              VirNet..: 9:451/247.0

Virus Help Team
Denmark & Canada
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