Virus Warning - Virus Help Team

Denmark & Canada

Datatypes.library v4.55 Trojan

 ...........................  VIRUS HELP DENMARK  ........................

 Hi All....                                                       11.12.98

 A new  trojan has been  found. This trojan was on AmiNet, but it has been
 removed  now.  It is a fake 'datatypes.library v45.5'. And it will if you
 are on InterNet and using 'Miami', send a e-mail to a Hotmail adress with
 your name and password. So if you have installed this version, get rid of
 it and install the v4.54 update (You can find this on AmiNet).

 Here is some info about the fake 'datatypes.library':

> ------------------------------- INFO START -----------------------------

 Archive name.....: dtypes455upd.lha
 Archive size.....: 27.990 bytes
 Trojan File......: datatypes.library
 Trojan Size......: 32748 bytes

> ------------------------------- INFO END -------------------------------

 In  May  1988,  the  same  datatypes.library  trojan  was found, but with
 another file lenght (32832 Bytes).  VT v3.10 will  find this version, but
 not the new (yet!).

 In a few other text files, DC has been blamed for this and other trojans,
 I think that it is not true. Why should DC do this?.

 Thanks to Matthew  for sending archives, and to Mr. Heiner Schneegold and
 Fridrik for  the test and info.  Paul Pacheco  and many more, for sending
 archives and infected files. 

      __          Jan Andersen          E-Mail..:
 __  ///          ------------             FidoNet.:  2:237/38.100
 \\\///        Virus Help Denmark             AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
  \XX/                    VirNet..: 9:451/247.0

Virus Help Team
Denmark & Canada
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