Virus Warning - Virus Help Team

Denmark & Canada

HappyNewYear 96' infected

 ...........................  VIRUS HELP DENMARK  ........................

 Hi All....                                                     13.04.2000

 Today we recived an archive that was on Aminet for a very short time, but
 it has been removed now. The archive is infected with dangerous linkvirus
 "Happy New Year 96". Here is some info about the archive:

 Virus Name.....: Happy New Year 96
 Archive name...: Imaged.lha
 Archive size...: 46.756 bytes
 Infected file..: InstallerFX
 Infected size..: 23.672 bytes infected

 Is is safe to use the program, AFTER YOU HAVE REMOVED THE VIRUS, with one
 of the big antivirus programs eg. VirusExecutor,  VirusZ, VirusChecker or
 VT-Schuts. The clean file-size should be: 23.132 bytes.

 Thanx to Andreas Mixich and Urban for the report about this trojan.

      __          Jan Andersen          E-Mail..:
 __  ///          ------------             FidoNet.:  2:237/38.100
 \\\///        Virus Help Denmark             AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
  \XX/                    VirNet..: 9:451/247.0

Virus Help Team
Denmark & Canada
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