......................... VIRUS HELP DENMARK ......................
Hi All.... 17.08.2001
We have found the installer of the new 'Hitch-Hiker 5.00' linkvirus.
There is "NO" cure for this virus right now. You can find infected
files, you will have to replace the infected files with new clean
files. The 'Hitch-Hiker v5.00' virus will add 3732 bytes to every
infected file, and place it self in memory, so you will have to
watch out for that as well. This virus will infect anything that it
can get into. And on my test A1200 over 400 files, was infected in
under 3 minutes.
This virus comes from Poland again, just like the other viruses that
we have found in the last 6 month. But why don't you guy's program
something usefull, that everyone can enjoy?
In the code (decoded), you can read:
Hitch-Hiker Millenium (5.00)
Featuring the 1's Advanced V8sA Op'miz Code
A welcom user of VRU!
-= 1995-2 =-
-= HAVOC =-
The archive was uploaded to AmiNet, but we stopped the archive before
it got on-line for reel. (Thanks Urban).
This is what we know of the virus:
Virus Type.... : Linkvirus
Virus name.... : Hitch-Hiker 5.00 (Millenium)
Virus size.... : 3732 bytes
Archive name.. : WBCycle21.lha
Archive size.. : 25.818 bytes (lha packed)
Installer name : WBCycle
Installer size : 22.756 bytes
Archive info.. : Cycles a single WB colour to pretty up Windows.
This is a fake archive. The programmer of 'WBCycle', Steve Hargreaves
has not released an update of WBCycle since v1.0.
There might just be more installers of the 'Hitch-Hiker 5.00' virus
out there. If you find anything please send it to us.
The 'xvs.library' (external Virus Scanner library) will be updated as
soon as possible. In the mean time, take care...
Thanks to Thomas Klein for sending the archive to us.
__ Jan Andersen E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// ------------ FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
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