........................... VIRUS HELP DENMARK ........................
10 october 2016
Hi All...
A new archive was shortly on Aminet, with a virus in the archive. But the
archive has been removed from Aminet now.
The archive contains the linkvirus 'Happy New Year 96', but all of the
wellknown antivirus programs can remove this virus so you should not have
any problems at all.
Here is some info about the archive:
> ------------------------------- INFO START -----------------------------
Archive name.....: PDCopy30.lha
Archive size.....: 24.232 bytes
Infected File....: PDCopy30 - Size: 26.560 bytes (Powerpacked)
PDCopy30 - Size: 97.644 bytrs (Un-Packed)
Infected with....: Happy New Year 96 Linkvirus
Archive info.....: PD Copy v3.0 found on a old demo disk (like x-copy).
U can contact me on the email above or to my second
private email: xxxxxxxx@protonmail.com
(E-mail adress removed by VHT)
> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------
__ Jan Andersen
__ /// --------------
\\\/// Virus Help Team Denmark
\XX/ http://www.vht-dk.dk