........................... VIRUS HELP DENMARK ........................
Hi All.... 14 october 2020
Another infected archive with the new "Happy New Year 96'" linkvirus has
now been found. The archive have been spread via AmiNet, but we have told
the people behind AmiNet about this archive, and we hope that they will
remove it.
If your system is infected use:
VirusZ III v1.02 with xvs.library v33.42.
VT v3.17
Both programs can be found at: www.vht-dk.dk
Here is some info about the infected archives:
> ------------------------------- INFO START -----------------------------
Archive name.....: TilesSlide.lha
Archive size.....: 73073 bytes
Infected File....: BubbleBobbleInGame.EXE - Size: 27628 bytes
DonkeyKong.EXE - Size: 20096 bytes
Infected with....: Happy New Year 96 Link-virus
Archive info.....: Info: Align 3-4 tiles of the same colour on WB!
Type: game/actio
Version: 2.9-bugfix
Architecture: m68k-AmigaOS
Requires: An (emulated) 8 colours Workbench.
> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------
Thanx to CrashDisk, for the info about archive to us.
__ Jan Andersen
__ /// --------------
\\\/// Virus Help Team Denmark
\XX/ http://www.vht-dk.dk