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BootX by Peter Stuer
BootX last update: 3 october 1993 BootX Recog last update: 27 august 1995
BootX is a powerful viruskiller for the Commodore-Amiga computer. It is fast (written completely in assembler and tries to be as user friendly as possible. This program is freeware, this means that you can copy it freely as long as you don't ask any more money for it than a nominal fee for copying. If you want to distribute this program you should keep this document with it. This program cannot be used for commercial purposes without written permission from the author. Special permission is hereby granted to include BootX in Public-Domain collections such as Fred Fish's Amiga Library.
BootX software and documentation are © 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 by Peter Stuer. All rights reserved.
System Requirements:
- All Amiga's with OS2.04 or higher
- At least 512K RAM
- FileID.library
- PowerPacker.library
- Explode.library
- Reqtools.library
- Locale Support
- Memory Check
- Vector Check
- Check Blocks
- Read, Write, Show physical cylinder 0
- The LHA archiv checkroutine
- Integrity-Checker
Main screen of BootX
As of BootX v4.30 all the recognition information BootX needs to identify a virus or a bootblock is contained in a file called BootX.Recog. With this menu item you can load different BootX.Recog files than the one BootX loads at started called "BootX.Recog".
When BootX is started it will look for a called 'BootX.BBLib'.This 'Bootblock library'contains custom bootblocks that you can use instead of the standard OldFileSystem or FastFileSystem bootblocks.
Since so many people keep asking me about it... I graduated in june 1991 as a programmer-analyst. BootX was created because at the time (April 1989) I did not trust the available viruskillers. In those days only the SCA and the Byte Bandit bootviruses where a threat to our bootblocks. |
BootX v5.23b (Recog v2.25) can find this amount of viruses & trojans:
Bootblock Virus 253 |
Link Virus ? |
File Virus 111 |
Data Virus 0 |
Download BootX here:
BootX v5.23b |
(LHA Packed) |
Date: 03.10.1993 |
Size: 352.660 bytes |
BootX Recog v2.25 |
(LHA Packed) |
Date: 27.08.1995 |
Size: 71.845 bytes |
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