VirusZ by Georg Hörmann - Virus Help Team

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by Georg Hörmann

VirusZ v3.07 is outdated, use it for research only or simply just for fun

VirusZ last update: 2 july 1993
VirusZ III is still being updated, you can download VirusZ III here

VirusZ v3.07 is another try to make the perfect viruskiller. Although there are already hundreds of killers, none had to offer the, in my opinion, most important features. These are to be short, fast and not to keep the user from working by opening a big screen with hundreds of gadgets or locking the drives. If you like that type of killer, forget VirusZ.

VirusZ has been tested on Kickstart 1.2, 1.3, OS 2.0 and OS 3.0 and worked just fine. It offers several OS 2.0 features even under Kick 1.2/1.3 like gadget activation via keyboard.

System Requirements:
  • Kickstart 1.2+
  • Kickstart 1.3+
  • Kickstart 2.0+
  • Kickstart 3.0+
  • Reqtools.library

VirusZ v3.07 as a program works fine with Kickstart 33.166 (old 1.2), but the memory check routines will sometimes restore wrong pointers while removing viruses. As this Kickstart was only shipped with A1000, and most of the A1000 users have Kick 1.3 or at least Kick 1.2 (33.180) which work fine, I don't see this as a great problem. VirusZ v3.07 recognizes over 220 bootblock viruses and the filechecker not only detects over 115 file viruses, but it also offers you the unbelieveable feature of decrunching files.
About screen of VirusZ v3.07

All viruses mentioned in the 'Brain.doc' will be removed properly from memory (as far as they install themselves in memory). But not all of them will be recognized by name. This is because some clons (especially SCA clones) can be detected and killed all the same way. Including a routine to get their real names as an addition would cause the memory checking routines to get more than twice as large a they are now. And that's not worth it.

VirusZ v3.07 can find this amount of viruses & trojans:
Bootblock Virus
File Virus
External brain

Download VirusZ v3.07:

VirusZ v3.07 (LHA Packed) Date: 02.07.1993 Size: 70.982 bytes Read me

VirusZ v3.07 is outdated, use it for research only or simply just for fun. Or download VirusZ III that is still being updated, you can download VirusZ III here

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