Amiga AntiVirus test by Virus Test Center Hamburg from 1995 - Virus Help Team


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Amiga Virus Test 1995
From Virus Test Center Hamburg
Made by Soenke Freitag

Table of contents:

          I.     Introduction
          II.    Copyright, License, and Disclaimer.
          III.   Detail results
          IV.    Detection rates

                 1. Splitted by virus-types, absolute
                 2. Splitted by virus-types, percentage
                 3. Totals, absolute
                 4. Totals, percentages
                 5. Ranking

          V.     Comments

I. Introduction.

Welcome to the Amiga Anti-Virus test report.

Programmes in this test:

  VT 2.70     Virus Test V 2.70 by Heiner Schneegold
  VW 4.8      Virus Workshop V4.8 by Markus Schmall
  VZ II 1.15  Virus Z II V 1.15 by Georg Hoermann
  VC 6.52     Virus Checker V 6.52 by John Veldthuis
              (Brain 1.14, Unpack 39.54, BB 3.1 , BB-Brain 1.07)
  SFAP 1.2    Siegfried Antivirus Professional by Siegfried Soft

Why not testing more Amiga-antivirus products ?
  The selection of this products is a subjective view of the
  actual market. The selection of tested products represents
  common virus-scanners which were updated at least once
  in 1995. 
  Why we didn't test BootX-Recog: BootX is updated within
  its recog-file which makes detection of modern viruses
  like Crime etc. impossible.
  Why we didn't test Vscan: Vscan was not able to run without
  crashes in our testing environment.

Official release date of this test:

  The official release date of this test is the
  start of the CeBIT in Hannover on 8.3.1995.

Tested facilities of the products:

  This test mainly shows the detection rate of the products.
  User-interface, styleguide etc.. are no essential topics
  of this test.

II. Copyright, License, and Disclaimer.

This publication is (C) Copyright 1995 by Soenke Freitag and the
Virus Test Center at the University of Hamburg.  Permission is granted
to everybody to distribute copies of this information in electronic
form, provided that this is done for free, the contents of the
information is not changed in any way, and the source of the
information is clearly mentioned.  Those who want to re-publish the
information as a whole or in parts in printed form, MUST contact
Soenke Freitag or the VTC-Hamburg and obtain permission first.

No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or
damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability,
negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods,
products, instructions or idea contained in the material herein.

III. Detail results

Malware / Virus + Strain        V V V V S          Malware-type
                                T W Z C F

16_BitCrew.Graffiti             X X X O o             (b)
16_BitCrew.Original             X X X X X             (b)
16_BitCrew.Paratax3             X X X O O             (b)
16_BitCrew.Zaccess1_0           X X X O O             (b)
AAA-Enhancer                    X X X . X             (t)
ABC                             X X X X X             (b)
AcidInfector                    X X . . .             (f)
ACT-Killer                      . . . . .             (f)
Addy.Dropper                    X X X X .             (t)
Addy.Trojan                     X X X X .             (f)
AISF                            X X X X .             (t)
Alien                           X X X . .             (t)
AlienNewBeat.Original           X X X X X             (b)
AmigaFanatic                    X X X X .             (b)
Amigaknight                     X . X X X             (f)
Angel                           X X X o X             (b)
ASS1_0                          X X X X X             (b)
Australian_parasite.Original    X X X X X             (b)
BB3                             . . . . .             (b)
BBS.$4EB9-Link.DMS2_06          X X X O .             (t)
BBS.$4EB9-Link.First            X X X . .             (l)
BBS.$4EB9-Link.LHAV3            O X X . .             (t)
BBS.CLP_Based.MST-VEC           X X X . .             (t)
BBS.CLP_Based.PHA_trojan        X X X . X             (t)
BBS.CLP_Based.UA_Daile          / X X . .             (t)
BBS.Conman.Artm_23              O O X . .             (t)
BBS.Conman.LoadWB_Dropper       X X X . .             (t)
BBS.Conman.LoadWB_Trojan        X X X . /             (t)
BBS.Devil.11(b)door.DLog        O X X . .             (t)
BBS.Devil.11(b)door.MsgTop      O X X . .             (t)
BBS.Devil.11(b)door.ULog        O X X . .             (t)
BBS.Devil.V8(b)door             X X X . .             (t)
BBS.Doom_CLX.Dropper            X X X . .             (t)
BBS.Doom_CLX.Viruses            X X X . .             (t)
BBS.Easy_E                      X X X . .             (t)
BBS.Istrip                      X X X . .             (t)
BBS.Look                        X X X . o             (t)
BBS.MasterBBS_troj              X X X . o             (t)
BBS.Merry                       X X X . .             (t)
BBS.MONGO.09                    X X X . .             (t)
BBS.MONGO.51                    X X X . .             (t)
BBS.M_Chat.MST-DoorBells        X X X . X             (t)
BBS.No_Guru                     X X . . X             (f)
BBS.PP-Bomb.ModuleMast17        O X X . .             (t)
BBS.PP-Bomb.qtx_pow             O X X . X             (t)
BBS.SCAN_X                      X X X . .             (t)
BBS.ShowSysops                  . X . . X             (f)
BBS.Stockmarket_troj            X X X . .             (t)
BBS.UA_Dialer_2_8g              X X X . .             (f)
BBS.Zappa_B_door                X X X X X             (t)
BGS9.1                          O O O O O             (f)
BGS9.2                          O O O O O             (f)
BGS9.3                          O O O O O             (f)
BGS9.ATARI                      O O X O O             (f)
BGS9.Nast                       X O X O O             (f)
BGS9.Novi                       X o X O O             (f)
BGS9.Rob_Northern               O O X O O             (f)
BGS9.Terrorists                 X X X O X             (f)
BigBen                          X X X o .             (b)
BlackFlash_2_0.BadBytes3        X O X O O             (b)
BlackFlash_2_0.Original         X X X X X             (b)
BLF                             X X X X X             (b)
BlowJob                         X X X X X             (b)
BootXKiller                     X X X X .             (b)
BootX_trojan                    X X . . X             (t)
Bret_Hawnes.Original            X X X X X             (f)
BURN.1                          X X X . .             (l)
BURN.2                          X O X . .             (l)
ByteBandit.1                    X O X O X             (b)
ByteBandit.2                    O X X O X             (b)
ByteBandit.3                    O O O O O             (b)
ByteBandit.4                    O O X O O             (b)
ByteBandit.Error                X O O O O             (b)
ByteBandit.Forpib.Amida         O O X X O             (b)
ByteBandit.Forpib.AmigaFreak    X O X O O             (b)
ByteBandit.Forpib.Digital_Age   X O X X O             (b)
ByteBandit.Forpib.Electrovi     X O X o O             (b)
ByteBandit.Forpib.Frity         X O X X O             (b)
ByteBandit.Forpib.Germany       X O X o O             (b)
ByteBandit.Forpib.Mad           X O X X O             (b)
ByteBandit.Forpib.Morbid_Angel  X O X O O             (b)
ByteBandit.Forpib.Original      X O X X O             (b)
ByteBandit.Forpib.Powerbomb     X O X O O             (b)
ByteBandit.Forpib.Riska         X O X O O             (b)
ByteBandit.Forpib.Starcom6      X O X o O             (b)
ByteBandit.Forpib.Zaccess2_0    X O X X O             (b)
ByteBandit.Hauke                X O X O O             (b)
ByteBandit.IngerIQ              X O X O O             (b)
ByteBandit.NoBanditAnymore      X O X O O             (b)
ByteBandit.Plus                 X O O O O             (b)
Byteparasite.1                  X X X O X             (f)
Byteparasite.2                  X X X O X             (f)
Byteparasite.3.Original         X X X O X             (f)
ByteVoyager.1                   X X X X X             (b)
ByteVoyager.2                   X X X X X             (b)
ByteVoyager.Starcom3            O O O O O             (b)
ByteWarrior.2                   O O O O O             (b)
ByteWarrior.Mad3                X X X X X             (b)
ByteWarrior.Mad3b               O O X O O             (b)
ByteWarrior.Original            X X X X o             (b)
ByteWarrior.Paramount           X O X O o             (b)
Cascade.Dropper                 X X X . /             (t)
Cascade.Virus                   X X X o o             (b)
CCCP.Irak3                      X O X O O             (a)
CCCP.Original                   X X X X X             (a)
CCCP.Starcom1                   X O X O O             (a)
Chaos_Master_0_5                X O X . X             (f)
ChristmasViolator               X X . . .             (l)
ClaasAbraham                    X X X X X             (b)
Coder.BadBytes5                 X O X O O             (b)
Coder.JT_Protec                 X X X O X             (b)
Coder.Original                  X X X O X             (b)
Coder.TwinzSantaClaus           X O X O O             (b)
Color                           X X X X X             (f)
Commander.Dropper               X X X X !             (t)
Commander.Virus                 X X X X .             (l)
Compuphagozyte.1_1452           X X X o X             (f)
Compuphagozyte.2_1148           X X X O X             (f)
Compuphagozyte.3.568            O X X O X             (f)
Compuphagozyte.3.592            O X X O .             (f)
Compuphagozyte.4.916            O X X O X             (f)
Compuphagozyte.4.952            O X . O .             (f)
Compuphagozyte.5.892            O O X O X             (f)
Compuphagozyte.5.900            O X X O X             (f)
Compuphagozyte.5.936a           O X . O .             (f)
Compuphagozyte.5.936b           O X . O .             (f)
Compuphagozyte.6.1008           O X . O .             (f)
Compuphagozyte.6.1012           O O . O .             (f)
Compuphagozyte.6.1048           O X X O .             (f)
Compuphagozyte.7                X X . . .             (f)
Compuphagozyte.8                X O X O .             (f)
Compuphagozyte.CompuPhagoLink   X X . . .             (l)
Compuphagozyte.Nano.Original    X X X X X             (f)
Conman_dir.Dropper              X X X . X             (t)
Conman_dir.Virus                X X X . O             (f)
Copy_LX103.Bomb                 X X X . .             (f)
Crime.!++_872                   X X X . .             (l)
Crime.!_1000                    X X X . !             (l)
Crime.92                        X X - - .             (l)
D-Structure.A                   O X X O X             (f)
D-Structure.C                   O X X O X             (f)
Darth_Vader_1_1                 X X X X X             (f)
Datalock.1_1                    X O X . .             (b)
Datalock.1_2                    X O X . .             (b)
Dat_89.Original                 X X X X X             (b)
Debugger                        X X X . .             (l)
Decompiler                      X X X X .             (t)
Descriptor                      X X X . .             (t)
Destructor                      X X X X X             (b)
Detlef                          X X X X X             (b)
Digital_Emotions                X X X X X             (b)
Disaster-Master2                X X X X X             (f)
DiskDoctors.1_01                X O X O O             (b)
DiskDoctors.1_02                O O O O O             (b)
DiskDoctors.GrimReaper          X o X O O             (b)
DiskDoctors.Haukeexterminator   X X X O O             (b)
DiskDoctors.Paratax2            X X X O O             (b)
DiskHerpes.Original             X X X X X             (b)
Disktroyer.1                    X O X X X             (f)
Disktroyer.2                    X O X O .             (f)
Disk_Info_bomb                  X X . . .             (f)
Divina_Exterminator             X X X X X             (b)
DMS213_Bomb                     X X X X .             (t)
Dotty.Original                  X X X X X             (b)
DTL                             X o X o o             (b)
DumDum.2                        X X . X .             (b)
DV_RootFormatter                O X X . .             (s)
EastStar.Dropper                X X X . /             (t)
EastStar.Virus                  X O X O O             (b)
Eleni.1_6                       X X X X .             (a)
Eleni.2_2.Dropper               X X X X .             (f)
Eleni.2_2.Virus                 X X X X .             (b)
Eleni.MessAngel                 X X X X X             (a)
Excrement.Sentinel              X X X X X             (b)
Excreminator_1                  X X X . X             (t)
Express_2_20.DWEdit_Aibon       / X X . /             (t)
Extreme.Fat2                    X o X O o             (b)
Extreme.Original                X o X X o             (b)
Extreme.Primavera               X o X O o             (b)
Extreme.TFC.Loadwb_dropper      X X X X X             (f)
Fast.Clone(1)                   O O O O X             (b)
Fast.Original                   X X X X X             (b)
FICA.Original                   X X X X X             (b)
Fileghost.1.Dropper             X X . . .             (t)
Fileghost.1.Virus               X X . . .             (l)
Fileghost.2                     X X X . X             (f)
Freedom_bomb                    X X X X X             (f)
Frenchkiss                      X X X X X             (b)
Future_Disaster                 X / X X X             (b)
Fxxx_device_Virus               X X X o X             (b)
Gaddafi.Khomeni                 X o X o O             (b)
Gaddafi.Mad_II.Original         X X X X O             (b)
Gaddafi.Original                X o X X X             (b)
Glasnost.Fast_eddie.Infector    X O X X O             (b)
Glasnost.Fast_eddie.Original    X X X X X             (b)
Glasnost.Flashback              O O O O O             (b)
Glasnost.Original               X X X X X             (b)
Glasnost.Tai13                  O O O O O             (b)
GodAnsi                         X X X . .             (f)
Golden_Rider                    X X X X X             (l)
Gremlin                         X X X X X             (b)
GX-Team                         X o X X X             (b)
Gyros.Original                  X X X X X             (b)
HCS.1                           X X X O X             (b)
HCS.2                           X X X O X             (b)
Hochofen                        X X X X X             (l)
Hoden_33_17.COHEN               X X X O O             (b)
Hoden_33_17.Original            X X X O X             (b)
Incognito                       X X X X X             (b)
Infiltrator.DarkAvenger.A       X X X . X             (l)
Infiltrator.DarkAvenger.B       O X X . .             (l)
Infiltrator.Original            X X X . .             (l)
Intel_Gag                       X X X X .             (t)
IRQ.1                           O X X X X             (l)
IRQ.2                           X O O O O             (l)
IRQ.Metamorphosis               X X X X X             (a)
JeffButonic.1_31.4_55.Sdos1_9   X X X . /             (t)
JeffButonic.1_31.Original       X O X X X             (f)
JeffButonic.3_00                X O X O X             (f)
JINX                            X X X . X             (b)
Jitr.Original                   X X X X X             (b)
Joshua.1                        X X X X X             (b)
Joshua.2.1                      O O O O o             (b)
Joshua.2.2                      O O O O o             (b)
Kauki                           X X X X X             (b)
Killed                          X X X X X             (b)
Labtec                          X X X X .             (t)
Lads.Original                   X o X o X             (b)
LameBlame.Chaos                 X X O O O             (b)
LameBlame.Original              X X O X X             (b)
LameBlame.Polish                X O X O O             (b)
Lamer.1_0                       X X X X X             (b)
Lamer.2_0                       X X X X X             (b)
Lamer.3_0                       X X X X X             (b)
Lamer.4_0.Original              X O X X X             (b)
Lamer.4_0.Starcom2              O O O O O             (b)
Lamer.5_0                       X - O X O             (b)
Lamer.6_0.Original              X X X X X             (b)
Lamer.6_0.Starcom4              O O O O O             (b)
Lamer.7_0                       X - O X X             (b)
Lamer.8_0                       X O O X O             (b)
Lamer.Boot_Aids.Original        X O X X O             (b)
Lamer.Boot_Aids.Starcom5        X O X O O             (b)
Lamer.Clist                     X X X X X             (b)
Lamer.dropper                   X X X X X             (t)
Lamer.Hilly                     X X X X X             (b)
Lamer.Ingos_return              X X X X X             (b)
Lamer.Mad4                      X O O O O             (b)
Lamer.VirusX_L8-dropper         X X X X X             (f)
Lamer.Warshaw_Avenger           X O X X X             (b)
LamerLink.Exe                   X X X X X             (f)
LamerLink.gotcha_lamer          X X X X X             (f)
LamerLink.Loadwb                X X O O O             (f)
LamerLink.ReturnOfLamer         X o X X o             (f)
LamerLink.Revenge               X X X X X             (f)
LamerLink.Revenge2              X O . O O             (f)
Laureline                       X X X X .             (b)
Leviathan                       X X X X .             (z)
LHACheck                        X X X . X             (f)
Lhwarp_trojan                   X X X . X             (t)
Liberator.1_21                  X X X X X             (f)
Liberator.3_0                   X X X O .             (f)
Liberator.5_01.Lamerfry         X X X . .             (f)
Liberator.5_01.Original         X X X O .             (f)
Loop_Combo                      X X X . .             (t)
LZ_Link                         X X X . X             (l)
Max.Creeping_eel                X o X O O             (b)
Max.Digital-Dream.Dropper       X X X X .             (t)
Max.MaxOfStarlight              X X X . .             (b)
Max.Mutilator                   X X X X X             (b)
Megalink                        X X X X X             (l)
MegaMaster                      X X X X X             (b)
MenemsRevenge.Original          X X X X X             (l)
MenemsRevenge.Pif               O O O . O             (l)
Modemcheck.666!-Trojan          X X . . .             (f)
Modemcheck.Original             X X X . -             (f)
Mosh_Virus                      X X . . .             (b)
Mount_bomb.SMBX_Dropper         X X X . .             (f)
Nasty_Nasty                     X X X X X             (b)
NewLink                         X X X . .             (l)
NorthStar.1                     X o X X X             (b)
NorthStar.2                     X o X O O             (b)
NorthStar.Ripper                X o X O O             (b)
Obelisk.1                       X o X X X             (b)
Obelisk.2                       X X X O X             (b)
Opapa                           X X X X X             (b)
Paradox.1                       X X X X X             (b)
Paradox.2                       X O X O X             (b)
PentagonCircle.2                X X X O X             (b)
PentagonCircle.3                X O X O X             (b)
PentagonCircle.Original         X X X X X             (b)
Pestilence                      X X X . .             (b)
Polyzygotronifikator            X X X X .             (l)
Purge.Dropper                   X X . . .             (t)
Purge.Trojan                    X X . . .             (t)
Qrdl_1_1                        X X X X X             (l)
Random_access_bomb              X . . X .             (b)
Red_October_1_7                 X X X X X             (l)
Revenge_1_2G.Original           X o X X X             (b)
Revenge_1_2G.Sendarian          X o X O O             (b)
Revenge_Bootloader              X X X o X             (b)
Ripper                          X o X o o             (b)
Sachsen.3                       X X X X X             (b)
Saddam.2                        O X X O O             (s)
Saddam.4                        O O X O O             (s)
Saddam.4711.Snoopdos_dropper    X X X . .             (t)
Saddam.5                        O O O O O             (s)
Saddam.6                        O O O O O             (s)
Saddam.7                        O O X . O             (s)
Saddam.Affe                     O O O O O             (s)
Saddam.Animal                   O O O O O             (s)
Saddam.diskval1234              X X O X O             (s)
Saddam.DiVa.Dropper             X X X . .             (t)
Saddam.File                     O O O O O             (f)
Saddam.Gral                     O O O O O             (s)
Saddam.Hardex                   X O O O O             (s)
Saddam.Iran                     X O O O O             (s)
Saddam.Kick                     X O O O O             (s)
Saddam.Laurin                   O O O O O             (s)
Saddam.Loom                     O O O O O             (s)
Saddam.Nato                     O O O O O             (s)
Saddam.Original                 X X X X X             (s)
Saddam.Risc                     O O O O O             (s)
Saddam.][                       O O X o X             (s)
Saddam_boot                     X X X X X             (b)
Satan                           X o X o o             (b)
SCA.2001                        X O X O O             (b)
SCA.AEK                         X O X O O             (b)
SCA.Aids_HIV                    X O X O O             (b)
SCA.BadBytes4                   X O X O O             (b)
SCA.Big_Boss                    X O X O O             (b)
SCA.Blade_Runners               X O X O O             (b)
SCA.BS1                         X O X O O             (b)
SCA.Butonic_1_1                 X X X O X             (b)
SCA.D&A.Dropper                 X X X X X             (f)
SCA.DAG.Dropper                 X X X X .             (t)
SCA.DAG.Virus                   X O X O O             (b)
SCA.Deniz                       X O X O O             (b)
SCA.Devils                      X . X O .             (b)
SCA.Error                       X O X O O             (b)
SCA.Iceman_and_Irq              X O X O O             (b)
SCA.Kefrens.1                   X O X O O             (b)
SCA.Kefrens.2                   X O X O O             (b)
SCA.LSD                         X O X O O             (b)
SCA.MEXX                        X O X O O             (b)
SCA.Microsystems.Original       X X X X X             (b)
SCA.Micro_Master                X O X O O             (b)
SCA.Original                    X X X X X             (b)
SCA.Paratax.1                   X O X O O             (b)
SCA.UltraFox                    X X X X X             (b)
Scarface.1                      X X X X X             (b)
Scarface.2                      O O O O O             (b)
Sepultura.2_26                  X X X X .             (f)
Shit                            X X X X X             (b)
SinisterSyndicate               X X . X .             (b)
SmilyCancer.1.a                 O O O O O             (f)
SmilyCancer.1.b                 O O O O O             (f)
SmilyCancer.1.c                 O O O O O             (f)
SmilyCancer.2                   X X X O X             (f)
Starlight                       X X X X X             (f)
Suntronic                       X X X X X             (b)
Supply_Team                     X X X X .             (b)
Surprise                        X X X X .             (t)
System_Z.3_0                    X O O o X             (b)
System_Z.4_0                    X . O o X             (b)
System_Z.5_0                    X . X O X             (b)
System_Z.5_1                    X . X O X             (b)
System_Z.5_3                    X o X o O             (b)
System_Z.5_4                    X o X o O             (b)
System_Z.6_1                    X O X o X             (b)
System_Z.6_4                    X O X X O             (b)
Target.Original                 X X X X X             (b)
TeleCom                         X X X X X             (f)
Termigator                      X o X X X             (b)
Timebomb_09.trojan_7840         X X X X X             (t)
Timebomb_Vir.1_0                X o X X X             (b)
Timebomb_Vir.BadBytes2          X o X O O             (b)
Timebomb_Vir.Fat1               X o X O O             (b)
Timebomb_Vir.LameGame           X X X O O             (b)
Timebomb_Vir.Omsa               X o X O O             (b)
Timebomb_Vir.TAI4               X o X O O             (b)
Timebomb_Vir.Tomates_Gentechnik X o X O O             (b)
Time_Bomber_troj                X X X . X             (t)
Traveling_Jack.1                X X X X X             (l)
Traveling_Jack.2                O O X O X             (l)
Traveling_Jack.AntiChrist       X . X O o             (l)
Traveller_1_0                   X X X X X             (b)
Trisector911                    X X X X X             (b)
Turk.Color_dropper              X X X X X             (f)
Turk.Original                   X X X X X             (b)
Uhr-BB                          X X X . X             (b)
ULVD8                           X X X X X             (b)
VCCofTNT                        X . X X .             (b)
Vermin.Original                 X o X X X             (b)
Vermin.Superboy                 X X X X X             (b)
VirConSet.Constructor           O X X . .             (f)
VirConSet2.Constructor          O X . . .             (f)
VirConSet2.VirusType1           X X - . .             (b)
VirConSet2.VirusType2           X O - . .             (b)
VirusBlaster23_9232             X X X . X             (f)
VirusHunter                     X X X . .             (t)
VirusKillerVirus                X X X X X             (f)
Virustest_936                   X X X X X             (t)
Vkill.1.Dropper                 O X X O .             (f)
Vkill.1.Virus                   X X X O X             (b)
Vkill.2                         X X X O X             (b)
Vkill.VirusPredator.Original    X X X X X             (b)
VMK3_0                          X X X X .             (t)
Waft                            X X X X X             (b)
Wahnfried                       X X X X X             (b)
Warhawk.BadBytes1               X O X O o             (b)
Warhawk.Original                X X X X o             (b)
Warhawk.RAF                     X O X O o             (b)
Wizard_Timebomb                 O X X X O             (f)
Xeno.1                          X - O X X             (l)
Xeno.2                          O O X O O             (l)
Zombi_1.Original                X X X X X             (b)


        X   - corect detection by name or alias
        O   - detection by family name only
        o   - correct detection of family name, but
              missed identification of the variant name
        /   - heuristic detection of suspicious structure 
              (unknown virus, hunks, ...)
        -   - unreliable detection
              (not all samples of the virus have been detected)
        !   - the scaner has executed the virus during scanning !
        .   - no detection

Malware / Virus-type:

        a   - multipartite (bootblock + link)
        b   - bootblock virus
        f   - file virus (companion or overwriting)
        l   - link virus
        t   - trojan
        s   - system (diskvalidator-virus)
        z   - multipartite (bootblock + file)

IV. Detection rates


VT:   a: X:   6
      b: X: 200, O: 19
      f: X:  56, O: 26
      l: X:  26, O:  5
      t: X:  51, O:  7, /:2
      s: X:   5, O: 14
      z: X:   1

VW:   a: X:   4, O:  2
      b: X: 108, O: 74, o: 28, /:1, (-:2)
      f: X:  61, O: 19, o:  2
      l: X:  24, O:  5
      t: X:  59, O:  1
      s: X:   4, O: 15
      z: X:   1

VZ:   a: X:  6
      b: X:191, O: 22, (-:2)
      f: X: 62, O:  8
      l: X: 24, O:  3,(-:1)
      t: X: 56
      s: X:  6, O: 13
      z: X:  1

VC:   a: X:  4, O:  2
      b: X:100, O: 88, o: 18
      f: X: 25, O: 38, o:  1
      l: X: 11, O:  4, (-:1)
      t: X: 15, O:  1
      s: X:  2, O: 16
      z: X:  1

SFAP: a: X:  3, O:  2
      b: X:102, O: 80, o: 15
      f: X: 40, O: 15, o:  1, (-:1)
      l: X: 12, O:  3, o:  1
      t: X: 13, o:  2, /:  5
      s: X:  2, O: 14, o:  1
      z: .

Absolute results by virus type:

Malware type         a     b     f     l     t     s     z
                        !     !     !     !     !     !
VT 2.70               6 ! 219 !  82 !  31 !  60 !  19 !   1
                        !     !     !     !     !     !
VW 4.8                6 ! 211 !  82 !  29 !  60 !  19 !   1
                        !     !     !     !     !     !
VZ II 1.15            6 ! 213 !  70 !  27 !  56 !  19 !   1
                        !     !     !     !     !     !
VC 6.52               6 ! 206 !  64 !  15 !  16 !  17 !   1
                        !     !     !     !     !     !
SFAP 1.2              5 ! 197 !  56 !  16 !  20 !  18 !   0
                        !     !     !     !     !     !
Best possible         6 ! 220 !  84 !  31 !  60 !  19 !   1
                        !     !     !     !     !     !

Detection rate (in percents) by virus type:

Malware type         a       b      f       l       t       s       z
                        !       !       !       !       !       !
VT 2.70          100.0% ! 99.5% ! 97.6% ! 100%  ! 100%  ! 100%  ! 100%
                        !       !       !       !       !       !
VW 4.8           100.0% ! 95.9% ! 97.6% ! 93.5% ! 100%  ! 100%  ! 100%
                        !       !       !       !       !       !
VZ II 1.15       100.0% ! 96.8% ! 83.3% ! 87.1% ! 93.3% ! 100%  ! 100%
                        !       !       !       !       !       !
VC 6.52          100.0% ! 93.6% ! 76.2% ! 48.4% ! 26.7% ! 89.5% ! 100%
                        !       !       !       !       !       !
SFAP 1.2          83.3% ! 89.5% ! 66.7% ! 51.6% ! 33.3% ! 94.7% !   0%
                        !       !       !       !       !       !

Total number of detected viruses:

                   Detected    by name   by family   by other
                   viruses               or member   condition
                             !          !          !
VT 2.70              418     !    345   !      71  !      2
                             !          !          !
VW 4.8               408     !    261   !     146  !      1
                             !          !          !
VZ II 1.15           392     !    346   !      46  !      0
                             !          !          !
VC 6.52              325     !    158   !     168  !      0
                             !          !          !
SFAP 1.2             311     !    172   !     134  !      5
                             !          !          !
Best Possible        421     !    421   !      0   !      0
                             !          !          !

Total percentage of detected viruses:

                   Detected    by name   by family   by other
                   viruses               or member   condition
                             !          !          !
VT 2.70              99.3%   !   81.9%  !   16.9%  !     0.4%
                             !          !          !
VW 4.8               96.9%   !   62.0%  !   34.7%  !     0.2%
                             !          !          !
VZ II 1.15           93.1%   !   82.2%  !   10.9%  !     0.0%
                             !          !          !
VC 6.52              77.2%   !   37.5%  !   39.9%  !     0.0%
                             !          !          !
SFAP 1.2             73.9%   !   40.9%  !   31.8%  !     1.2%
                             !          !          !
Best Possible       100.0%   !  100.0%  !    0.0%  !     0.0%
                             !          !          !

Ranking (detection rate, absolute):

   1. Virus Test V 2.70

   2. Virus Workshop 4.8

   3. Virus Z II 1.15

   4. Virus Checker 6.52

   5. Siegfried Antivirus Professional 1.2

V. Comments
The following are some peculiarities about the tested 
virus scanners. Those comments might be usefull to have 
in mind when selecting one of those products.

* Vectorcheck
  VT:   Checks some vectors, displays their names
  VW:   Checks many vectors, but shows only their offsets
  VZ:   Checks some vectors
  VC:   Checks some vectors
  SFAP: Checks only resident vectors

* Reporting functions
  VT:   Very good
  VW:   Had a bug in 4.8
  VZ:   Good, but includes Ascii control-characters
  VC:   Good, difficult to activate
  SFAP: Good, not saveable

* Bootblock data check
  VT:   Yes
  VW:   Yes
  VZ:   No
  VC:   Yes
  SFAP: No

* Integrity check
  VT:    Yes
  VW:    Only for the scanner itself, PGP signatures
  VZ:    No
  VC:    Only for the scanner itself, PGP signatures
  SFAP:  For files, (added as comment)

* Memory monitor
  VT:    Yes
  VW:    Yes
  VZ:    No
  VC:    No
  SFAP:  No

* Heuristics
  VT:    No
  VW:    No
  VZ:    No
  VC:    No
  SFAP:  Yes (only for bootblocks)

* Decrunching
  VT:    Yes
  VW:    Yes
  VZ:    Yes
  VC:    Yes
  SFAP:  Yes, the decrunch task executes some files !

Other remarks:

When some of the scanners remove a virus, they restart the scanning 
from the beginning - this is very inconvenient for owners of big 
hard disks.
However the repair method used by the other scanners can 
miss some files due to the change of the directory structure
that results after the repair.

VZ reports on the screen that it is performing repair even if it
is started without the repair option, regardless that in this
case repair doesn't actually occur.

When SFAP is run with the decrunch option, it executes parts
of the files in order to decrunch them. Unfortunately in some
cases this scan starts the virus in the file as has been verifyed
to happen with viruses like Crime1000, Commander-Link etc.
This makes the testing of this scanner extremely difficult.
For instance after the Commander-Link virus infected the whole 
test environment, we had to restore the original state from
a backup.After that we only tested the scanning capabilities
of SFAP only without decrunch, due to a lack of time for

Author of this document:
Soenke Freitag
Virus Test Center
University of Hamburg
Vogt Koelln Str. 30
22527 Hamburg - Germany

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