Archives with virus and trojans that we have found - Virus Help Team

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Archives found

Here is a a list of archives that has been send to us or that we have found on the internet and Aminet that was infected with viruses or was trojans:

 Archive Name:      - Trojan/Archive infected with:         -   Archive Size: - Said to be:
 !ansianim!.lha     - Trojan                                -   161.840 bytes - Ansianimator 1.0
 -l-stock.lha       - BBS Trojan                            -                 - 
 -p-turbo.dms       - Divina exterminator I infected        -                 -
 -t-sep13.lha       - Affe 2 infected                       -   998.014 bytes - Tempest 3.52 beta
 10000.lha          - Ebola Infected Archive                -   102.041 bytes - Nice little game
 4kintro.exe        - 4Kintro trojan found                  -                 -
 a!a-pp2.dms        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -   616.776 bytes - Psycho pack 
 abase.dms          - Saddam Infected Archiv                -   222.609 bytes - 
 abc14.dms          - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -   111.379 bytes - Abc issue #14
 ablank11.lha       - Trojan (Kuk Crew)                     -     6.472 bytes - Beautiful blanker
 ac0396_1.dms       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -   867.059 bytes - Amiga computing disk
 acid05.lha         - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    38.556 bytes - Amigacid 0.50e
 acid06.lha         - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    23.173 bytes - Amigacid 0.60e
 addtools.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    10.818 bytes -
 addy099.lha        - Addy v0.99 Trojan                     -     7.293 bytes - BBS Add maker
 aframe01.lha       - Ebola Infected Archive                -   181.314 bytes - Aframe 0.1
 aga_italy2.lzx     - Trojan                                -   117.026 bytes - Demo from AGA Italy
 agt-cbsc.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    57.862 bytes - Cyberscope intro
 agt-cowz.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    70.951 bytes - STB cowz on the nail
 ahkeym.lha         - Trojan                                -    24.481 bytes - A-heaven keymaker
 alfons.lha         - Trojan                                -    99.692 bytes -
 ame-dsd.lha        - Trojan                                - 6.927.166 bytes - Dog Star Descends
 amix43.lha         - Trojan                                -   176.764 bytes - AmiExpress 4.3
 amosaga.lha        - Trojan                                -   210.606 bytes - Amos Pro AGA 1.0b
 ang279v6.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -   753.381 bytes - Angband 2.7.9v6 
 anti_elien.lha     - Elien installer                       -     1.003 bytes - Elien viruschecker
 apt-40kb.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    90.318 bytes - TG' 96 40k compo
 asc-hck.lha        - Trojan                                -    30.010 bytes - AmiExpress Hacker 
 asp-fx13.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    88.057 bytes - Fx 1.03 registered
 astma!.lha         - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    31.752 bytes - Astma! by smello
 atw-mod.lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    75.817 bytes - Artwork 64k intro 
 atw-phi.lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    75.817 bytes - Artwork 64k intro 
 atx-chat.lha       - BBS Trojan                            -    13.497 bytes - m_chat 3.0
 atx_nada.dms       - Mongo infected                        -                 -
 axripii.lha        - AX Fucker virus                       -   118.348 bytes - Locale for AmiExpress
 bhk-lzx.lha        - Biomechanic 4 Trojan                  -    40.311 bytes - lzx 020 bugfixed
 bio-warn.lha       - Biomechanic Trojan                    -     6.818 bytes - Killer for biomechanic 
 birthday.lha       - Antonio Trojan & Dropper              -   497.365 bytes - AGA demo by SubZero
 blazewcp.lha       - Zakahackandpatch TCP Trojan           -    32.862 bytes -
 bluebox.lzh        - BBS Trojan                            -    23.033 bytes - 
 bnuke15.lha        - BBS Trojan                            -    35.050 bytes - Scan BBS
 bp16-inb.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -   692.810 bytes - In bloom demo
 bullet.lha         - Trojan                                -   179.143 bytes -
 BytekillerPro10.lha- Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    39.840 bytes - Bytekiller Pro. v1.0
 c!s-ns1.dms        - Ebola Infected archive                -   546.381 bytes - C-Lous diskmag 1st
 c!s-ns2.lha        - Ebola Infected archive                -   679.051 bytes - C-Lous diskmag 2nd
 cbs-39v1.lha       - Trojan                                -   238.425 bytes - Sigma express 0.39v1 
 cbs-etit.lzx       - Happy New Year 96' New String         -    27.678 bytes - BBS Intro for Eternity
 cchack2.exe        - BBS Trojan                            -    11.216 bytes - CarlingCard Hacker
 cdrplay.lha        - Ebola Infected Archive                -   116.979 bytes - Simple cd audio player 
 cdshell.lha        - Trojan                                -    87.260 bytes - Cdshell/ftp-emulator0 
 ced4.lha           - COP Trojan                            -   174.500 bytes - Cygnused v4.0
 chc-mt11.lha       - Trojan                                -   374.139 bytes - 
 chkmount.lha       - WireFace Trojan (Type G)              -     6.163 bytes - Mount-972 viruschecker
 clous.nosense2.lha - Ebola Infected archive                -   662.977 bytes - C-Lous diskmag 2nd
 clq-kbr1.lzx       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    89.980 bytes - Hayda bra kobra intro
 clx_doom.lha       - Trojan                                -    32.020 bytes - Amiga doom by complex
 cmq060.lha         - Trojan                                -    12.183 bytes - Patch CopyMem/Quick
 cncd-vis.lha       - Trojan                                -   868.957 bytes - Visions demo 
 cns-bge.lha        - Happy New Year 98 Infected            -    35.564 bytes - Amiga tool to convert 
 comkil13.lha       - Biomechanic Trojan                    -     9.486 bytes - Comkiller v1.6 by SHI 
 condom15.lha       - Da Joker Trojan                       -     8.543 bytes - Biomechanic checker
 CoolBall.lha       - Bobek2 virus installer 2              -    21.786 bytes - Cool backdrop v1.0
 copkill1.lha       - COP Trojan                            -     9.801 bytes - COP killer v1.1
 copkille.lha       - COP Trojan                            -     9.801 bytes - COP killer v1.1
 cpu-mv31.lha       - Ebola infected archive                -   108.665 bytes - MultiView v3.1
 cpu-nfot.lha       - Trojan                                -                 -
 cpucache.lha       - Trojan                                -    22.320 bytes -
 creat_11.lha       - Trojan                                -     2.757 bytes - Creator v1.1
 creator.lha        - Trojan                                -     2.757 bytes - Creator v1.0
 cry_206.lha        - Trojan                                -    43.664 bytes - DMS v2.06 cracked
 darkfuck.lha       - Happy New Year 97' Infected archive   -     9.820 bytes - Warning for darklord 
 dat_ho1.lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    10.147 bytes -
 dat_ho2.lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -                 -
 dat_ho3.lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -                 -
 dat_ho4.lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -                 -
 dat_ho5.lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -                 -
 dat_ho6.lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -                 -
 dat_ho7.lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -                 -
 dat_ho8.lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -                 -
 dat_ho9.lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -                 -
 dat_h10.lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -                 -
 dcodes1_4.lzx      - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    28.661 bytes -
 dc-af166.lzx       - Beol 3 infected                       -   241.127 bytes -     
 dc-amftp.lha       - Hitch Hicker v4.23 Infected archive   -   119.148 bytes - AmFTP v1.90 
 dc-mi21g.lha       - Trojan                                -   218.549 bytes - Miami v2.1 cracked
 dcn-db3p.dms       - Trojan                                -   709.257 bytes - Diavolo Backup v3.0
 dcn-ib2.lha        - ScareCrow Trojan                      -   595.211 bytes - Ibrowse v2.0 Final
 dcodes1_4.lzx      - Trojan                                -    28.661 bytes - Dialling codes 1.4
 dec-scp.lha        - Trojan                                -    41.892 bytes - Scoop v1.0 AmixHack
 decomp.lha         - Trojan                                -    62.061 bytes - Autoboot disk           
 denistro.exe       - Commander link-virus Infector         -    66.592 bytes -
 denistro.exe       - Commander link-virus Infector         -    71.800 bytes -
 descr40.lha        - Trojan                                -     3.483 bytes - Descriptor v4.0
 detag063.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    64.892 bytes - De-tag 0.63a tag
 diceroll.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    12.763 bytes - Diceroller 1.0
 died.lha           - Trojan Bomb                           -                 - Ansi Anim editor v2.8
 digital.lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    20.913 bytes - WB digital clock
 disk2860.dms       - Liberator v5.01 virus                 -                 - protect vectors 1.02
 dive-ing.lzx       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -     9.475 bytes - Internetgui v1.0 
 dkg-blum.lha       - Trojan                                -    28.535 bytes - DKG-Blum
 dlm_prim.dms       - Ebola Infected Archive                -   705.347 bytes - Primal rage preview 
 dm-tr.lha          - Trojan                                -     5.135 bytes
 dms213ur.lha       - Trojan                                -    79.897 bytes - DMS v2.13
 dms240.lzx         - Hitch-Hiker 2.01 Infected archive     -   101.337 bytes - DMS v2.40
 dms432.lzx         - Hitch-Hiker 3.00 Infected archive     -    46.168 bytes - DMS v4.32
 dop-dm1.dms        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -   352.080 bytes - Demomaniac v2.19
 dopus5.lha         - COP Trojan                            -   464.162 bytes - DOpus v5.0
 dp_v_1.dms         - Trojan                                -   501.322 bytes - DPaint 5 unregistered
 dph-vos.lha        - Trojan                                -   219.743 bytes - Depth's 'Voxel svind' 
 dpl-dc99.lha       - Trojan                                -                 -
 dpl-de99.lha       - Trojan                                -                 -
 dpl-mam1.dms       - Commander linkvirus Infector          -   523.162 bytes - My mama is a vampire
 dpl-mam2.dms       - Commander linkvirus Infector          -   602.250 bytes - My mama is a vampire
 dsa-mkm.lha        - Trojan                                -    19.322 bytes - Miami keyfilemaker
 dskpro21.lha       - Biomechanic Trojan                    -                 -
 dskslv3.dms        - Trojan                                -                 - DiskSalv 3
 dsy-bul1.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    17.259 bytes - Power-bull v1.0
 dt230.lzx          - COP Trojan                            -                 - Dostrace v2.30
 dtl-up4.lha        - Trojan                                -    33.143 bytes - PowerTrader v2.5      
 dtypes455upd.lha   - Trojan                                -    27.990 bytes - Datatypes.library
 dvd!-def.lha       - Ebola Infected Archive                -   161.455 bytes - Defender
 dvd!ujy2.dms       - Contains several viruses              -   514.969 bytes - Strategic simulator
 dvn-t110.dms       - Aram Doll Vius infected               -   378.241 bytes - Termite tcp v1.10 
 d-s_mk2.lha        - Ebola Infected archive                - 2.832.772 bytes - Mortal Kombat 2
 d-s_zw2.lha        - Ebola Infected archive                -   488.796 bytes - Zeewolf II
 d!-gtsab.lha       - Trojan                                -    44.533 bytes - Dezign's guide 
 ed-psyo3.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -   133.179 bytes -
 eft_cc14lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    38.549 bytes -
 elite12.lha        - Ebola infected archive                -    88.436 bytes - Swedish elite BBS
 esp-dmpd.lha       - Virus Infected                        -                 - PAL fix diskmaster2
 etc!hd.lha         - Trojan                                -                 -
 evilcomm.lha       - Trojan                                -    40.044 bytes - Evil comment 
 exe4.7.lha         - Commander infected                    -                 - Exorcist 4.7 doors
 exhack.lha         - Trojan                                -    95.899 bytes - Password hacker
 famedemo.lha       - Ebola infected archive                -                 - Demo from fame 
 fastIPrefs4037.lha - Trojan                                -    41.583 bytes - FastIPrefs 40.37 
 fblit.lha          - Trojan                                -   142.086 bytes - Zakahackandpatch TCP 
 fdisk120.lha       - Trojan                                -    47.319 bytes - Fixdisk v2.0
 fears2.dms         - Eleni installer                       -   231.772 bytes - Filemaster v2.2 
 fjpeg111.lha       - Debugger infected                     -    28.918 bytes -  
 ffff.lha           - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -   454.455 bytes - Fist Fight
 flt1996.lha        - Trojan                                -                 - Fairlight 1996 
 flySwatter.lzx     - Hitch-Hiker v4.11 infected            -   219.772 bytes - AmiTCP/IRC Client
 footro.lha         - Bobek2 installer trojan               -     2.924 bytes - Borntro from new
 freedom!.lzh       - Trojan                                -     8.153 bytes - Freedom viruskiller
 gath95-!.lha       - Achtung.exe Trojan                    -    57.753 bytes - Virtuel dreams intro
 god-fbtr.lha       - Trojan                                -     3.836 bytes -
 god-j12.lha        - Trojan                                -    15.525 bytes - Jizansi v1.2
 guardian.dms       - Trojan                                -                 - Guardian multitool 
 gvp-hs15.lha       - HardDiskSpeeder v1.5 GVP              -     6.129 bytes - Harddiskspeeder v1.5
 gzus001.lha        - Trojan                                -    12.252 bytes - Sufficient archiver
 h&w-woda.dms       - Trojan                                -                 - Warrior of darkness
 hackt.lha          - ConMan Trojan                         -    12.288 bytes - Hacking utility
 hd_speedup.lha     - Trojan                                -     7.318 bytes - Speedup program HD
 hdspd42.lzx        - COP Trojan                            -                 -
 hdtb409.lha        - Trojan                                -                 - HDToolBox 2 v40.9
 hdpro624.lha       - Trojan                                -    40.590 bytes - HD Protect v6.24
 hf-ab2mf.lha       - Trojan                                -    75.898 bytes - Monitor patch 
 hf-cd417.lha       - Trojan                                -   306.382 bytes - CygnusEd v4.17
 hf-ced40.lha       - COP Trojan                            -    40.316 bytes - CygnusEd pro v4.0 
 hf-lopi1.dms       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -   829.700 bytes
 hf-teta1.lha       - COP Trojan                            -   646.347 bytes - Tetris Attack
 hf-teta2.lha       - COP Trojan                            -   550.826 bytes - Tetris Attack
 hf-vc24.lha        - Wireface Trojan                       -   209.391 bytes - Vinci v2.4 cracked
 hf-wttr.lha        - Ebola Infected Archive                -    23.544 bytes - Watchtower AGA trai
 hjb-dvn2.lha       - Bobek2 infected archive               - 1.334.619 bytes - HJB Devotion #2
 imaged.lha         - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    46.756 bytes - 
 hpflash.lha        - Ebola infected archive                -    74.459 bytes -
 ht-stag1.dms       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -                 -
 ht-stag2.dms       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -                 -
 icond13.lha        - Trojan                                -     2.992 bytes - Icon Depth v1.3
 idefix191.lha      - Hitch Hicker v4.23 Infected archive   -   117.186 bytes - IDEfix97 v1.91
 imaged.lha         - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    46.756 bytes - Image Descriptor v2.00
 ins-blf.lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    72.329 bytes -
 instsg.lha         - Joker Trojan                          -    45.434 bytes - Sensible Golf inst.    
 int-ap21.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -   703.032 bytes - Aplayer v2.10 reg
 int-drbb.lzx       - Trojan                                -   444.305 bytes - Daydream v1.21 crack   
 io3-64k.lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   - 1.110.199 bytes - Intel outside3 64k intro
 io4-invi.lha       - Trojan                                -    69.396 bytes - Intel outside4 demo
 irs-flpw.lha       - Trojan                                -   317.666 bytes - Flower power demo 
 Istrip21.lha       - Trojan                                -     4.554 bytes - Istrip 2.1 beta turbo 
 jc_spicegirls.lha  - Max BBS trojan Typp A                 -    60.482 bytes - Spice Girl Megamix Demo
 js!bs1&2.lha       - COP Trojan                            -    94.122 bytes -
 keymaker.lzx       - Hitch-Hiker 1.10  infected            -                 - Package of keyfiles
 kewlcd.lha         - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -                 -
 kilhitch.lha       - Hitch Hiker v2.11 Installer           -     7.765 bytes - Viruskiller Hitch-Hiker 
 led-dc6.lha        - COP Trojan                            -   554.173 bytes - Dream charts issue 6
 lha20reg.lha       - Trojan                                -    89.872 bytes - Turbo lha v2.0 reg
 lha30.lha          - COP Trojan                            -    70.330 bytes - Lha v3.0
 lhareg.lha         - Commander installer                   -     2.877 bytes - Registration hack lha
 libBase310.lha     - HitchHiker 5.00 installer 2           -    47.711 bytes - Scans Memory for libs
 lop_mi2.lha        - BBS Traveller Virus                   -    52.045 bytes - Master iso v1.22 
 lsd_ae42.lha       - COP Trojan                            -   220.053 bytes - AmiExpress v4.20
 lsd-aec1.lha       - Trojan                                -     7.981 bytes - AmiExpress crack v1.0
 lsd-whvo.lha       - Compuphagozyte 3 infected             -    25.270 bytes - Whales voyage 
 lw4y2.lha          - Ebola Infected Archive                -   612.835 bytes - Lightwave 4
 lzx121.lha         - Trojan Gotcha                         -   164.139 bytes - Lzx v1.21 release 
 lzx121crk.lha      - Hitch-Hiker v1.10                     -                 - Lzx v1.21 cracked
 lzx125.lha         - COP Trojan                            -   146.001 bytes - Lzx v1.25
 lzx12reg.lha       - Trojan                                -                 - Lzx registered
 lzx130.lha         - COP Trojan                            -   141.644 bytes - Lzx v1.30
 lzxreg.lha         - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -   205 948 bytes - Lzx final v1.21 
 m31h_crk.lha       - Fungus/lsd installer                  -   436.085 bytes - Miami 3.1h beta cracked 
 maxsafe.lha        - Trojan                                -    12.136 bytes - Help stop your BBS 
 maups200.lzx       - HitchHicker v4.00 Infected            -    37.529 bytes - Mapus v2.0 DMS checker 
 mdlx09c.lha        - STD Crabs 1 virus installer           -   882.398 bytes - Miami DeLuxe v0.9c fake
 messkill.lha       - Trojan                                -     3.758 bytes - MessAngelKiller
 mformat12.lha      - Trojan                                -    15.986 bytes -
 mgs!-d33.lha       - Ebola Infected Archive                -    26.156 bytes - Sysdl v3.3 door
 miamic.lha         - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -   224.880 bytes - Free internet access 
 miamidlz.lzx       - SMEG 2 linkvirus Installer            -     3.427 bytes - Miami DeLuxe keymaker
 minidemo.lzh       - Addy 0.99 infected                    -    11.688 bytes - Lsd compact 550' disk
 modti541.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -     5.821 bytes - Calculator for playtime
 modtime.lzx        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -     5.821 bytes - Calculator for playtime
 motherLode.adz     - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    69.272 bytes - Mother Lode
 mpeopledemo.lha    - Max BBS trojan Type D                 -    49.137 bytes - M-People Slideshow
 msr-a71p.lha       - Hitch Hicker v4.23 Infected archive   -   224.271 bytes - AmIRC 1.71 Keyless
 mst-ca12.lha       - COP Trojan                            -    19.349 bytes - Callers Log v1.2
 mst-cf22.lha       - Trojan                                -    48.083 bytes - Conference top v2.2
 msxr.lha           - Amos Joshua Trojan                    -   124.196 bytes - New msx-2 Turbo 
 mth-gd10.lzx       - Ebola Infected Archive                -    23.254 bytes - Grabdir v1.00 door
 muahaha.lha        - Jode Capullos 2 Trojan                -    39.048 bytes - Muahaha SS intro
 mui020.lha         - Happy New Year 97' New string         -     2.709 bytes - Patch v1.1 MUI 020+ 
 mui40usr.lha       - Trojan                                -   832.990 bytes - MUI v4.0 Fake
 mwi-overview02.lha - 8x8 - Motaba infected                 - 2.906.181 bytes - Overview Two slideshow
 mz-makey.lha       - Jode Caluppos 1 trojan                -    34.548 bytes - Master key generator
 nbk-fkt.lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected           -    19.362 bytes - Natural born killers
 nc210.lha          - Happy New Year 96' Infected           -     9.157 bytes - Aces High SW, 5 Ndz
 nc210.lzx          - Happy New Year 96' Infected           -     8.656 bytes - Aces High SW, 5 Ndz
 nce-tri9.lha       - Max BBS trojan Type B                 -    47.587 bytes - Trilobyte 9.exe
 ncomm309.lha       - Eleni Installer                       -   221.056 bytes - NComm v3.09
 ncomm32.lha        - COP Trojan                            -   122.366 bytes - NComm v3.2 
 network90.dms      - Commander installer                   -   794.624 bytes - AGA demo anathema uk 
 nfacheat.lha       - Ebola Infected Archive                -   721.246 bytes - Compilation game cheat 
 nhp122.lha         - Ebola Infected Archive                -    49.176 bytes - Nhp bluebox v1.22
 nocare27.lha       - Trojan                                -                 - 
 nxs-tp4.lha        - COP Trojan                            -   180.188 bytes -
 nup-slos.lha       - HitchHiker v4.11 infected             -   223.697 bytes - Scalos v39.154
 opus5.lha          - COP Trojan                            -   464.746 bytes - DirectoryOpus v5.0
 opus566p.lzx       - ZIB linkvirus Installer               -   138.502 bytes - DirectoryOpus v5.66
 orb!mk.dms         - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -                 - Fake factory
 org3_3.lha         - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -   596.935 bytes - Orgazm Issue #3 
 ors-qbd.lha        - COP Trojan                            -   127.703 bytes - Quarterback Tools
 otl-db1d.dms       - Ebola Infected Archive                -   227.716 bytes - Databench v2.4 
 oozeaga.lha        - Bobek installer trojan                -   460.510 bytes - Very cool game 
 patchhh.lzx        - HitchHiker 3.00 linkvirus Installer   -   161.984 bytes - Hitch-Hiker antivirus 
 patchyamppc12.lha  - Trojan                                -     7.088 bytes - 
 pdcopy30.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    23.976 bytes - PD Copy v3.0
 pet-sus5.dms       - Ebola Infected Archive                -                 - Speedup system v5.01d 
 pha-xmas.lha       - COP Trojan                            -   368.557 bytes - Dos-extender v1.1
 phk-mkey.lzx       - Trojan                                -     2.185 bytes - Miami Keyfile checker
 pht-syst.lzx       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -     4.755 bytes - Phase Truce 4kb intro 
 phonebook.lha      - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    58.278 bytes - Phonebook program
 plo-dm1.dms        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -   352.080 bytes - Demomaniac v2.19
 plo-dm2.dms        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -   694.026 bytes - Demomaniac v2.19
 powerled.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    41.543 bytes - Amazing demo for 
 pointers.lha       - Trojan                                -     6.874 bytes - Bastard Virus inst 
 poolMem.lha        - Trojan                                -    67.918 bytes - PoolMem v1.45
 psg-ae5.lha        - COP Trojan                            -    71.982 bytes - AmiExpress v5.0
 psl-kmj.lha        - Trojan                                - 5.530.365 bytes - Kiss My Jazz
 psp-64k.lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -   495.512 bytes - All 64k intros
 psy-hal.lha        - Ebola infected archive                -   294.041 bytes - Prophesy Demo 97
 ptrack4b.lha       - COP Trojan                            -   387.784 bytes - Protracker 4.0 beta 
 qtx_pow.lzh        - Trojan                                -   139.670 bytes - Powerpacker v3.0b
 reglzxas.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -   205.948 bytes - Lzx final 1.21 
 removcmd.lha       - Trojan                                -     7.650 bytes - Commander Installer
 reorgIt.lha        - Trojan                                -    52.279 bytes - HD Reoganizer
 safe.lha           - Zakahackandpatch TCP Trojan           -                 -
 s-exec12.lha       - HitchHiker 5.00 installer 2           -     9.905 bytes - Compress executables
 scansys.lha        - Trojan                                -    12.508 bytes - Fast optimizer 
 scm-bps1.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -   536.726 bytes - Boopsi pack #01
 scs-atmo.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    58.970 bytes - Atmosphere intro 
 sebola97.lha       - Lisa fuckup v3.0 trojan               -     7.004 bytes - ScanEbola 97
 sign.lha           - Happy New Year 96' Infected           -    25.261 bytes - Fight against 
 sinfo10.lha        - COP Trojan                            -     4.432 bytes - SystemInfo v1.00
 slinkv10.lha       - Wireface Trojan                       -    13.496 bytes - Scanlink v1.0  
 slt-m21g.lha       - Hitch Hicker v4.23 Infected archive   -   852.280 bytes - Miami 2.1g + keys
 sniper.lzh         - Hitch Hicker v4.11 Infected archive   -   667.902 bytes - Sniper game   
 snk305.lha         - Phantom virus installer               -     5.480 bytes - SuperNova kill v3.05
 sonicII.lha        - Amos Joshua Clone Trojan              -   111.798 bytes - Sonic II
 spice_power.lha    - Max BBS trojan Type C                 -    36.539 bytes - Zengo Spice Power 1997
 spherishd.lha      - Ebola infected archive                -                 -
 splitindexv11.lha  - Ebola infected archive                -    74.269 bytes - Splitindex v1.1 gui
 srn-db33.lha       - Strange Atmosphere LinkVirus          -                 - Daily backup v3.03 
 stackattack.lha    - Zakahackandpatch TCP Trojan           -                 - 
 stellarx.lha       - Fuzz trojan                           -   444.898 Bytes - StellarX demo 
 strip64.lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    47.738 bytes - Strippoker ladies 
 sts-ep16.dms       - Hitch-Hiker 3.00 infected             -   747.221 bytes - Easy pack no.16 
 swiftr.lha         - Trojan                                -   112.315 bytes - Swifter v2.5 thinking 
 surprise.dms       - Surprise Trojan at 'TP 4'             -    43.704 bytes - 
 TBF-F175.lha       - Happy New Year 97' Infected archive   -   305.454 bytes - Amftp v1.75 Cracked
 tbf-csge.lha       - Ebola infected                        -    45.048 bytes - Colonalisation savegame
 tbf-ddkm.lha       - Ebola infected                        -    42.346 bytes - Daydream v1.22 keymaker
 tbf-im17.lha       - Ebola infected                        -    42.613 bytes - Idcmp master v1.7
 tbl-abdu.lha       - Trojan                                -   369.328 bytes - Abduction x-files demo 
 timezone.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    23.651 bytes - Time zones
 toolsd26.lha       - COP Trojan                            -                 - ToolsDeamon v2.6
 tp5-andr.lha       - COP Trojan                            -    47.354 bytes - TP-5 Andromeda Demo 
 tp5-prlx.lha       - COP Trojan                            -    39.140 bytes - TP-5 Parallax Demo 
 tp5-spac.lha       - COP Trojan                            -    45.244 bytes - TP-5 Spaceballs Demo 
 tp5-tsl.lha        - COP Trojan                            -    46.610 bytes - TP-5 Silents DK Demo
 tp5-trsi.lha       - COP Trojan                            -    36.316 bytes - TP-5 TRSI Demo 
 trc-resc.lha       - Trojan                                -                 -
 trsi-bv1.dms       - Ebola Infected Archive                -   523.696 bytes - Black viper neo AGA
 trsi-ft.lha        - COP Trojan                            -   278.290 bytes - Futuretracker
 trsi-ins.lha       - Biomechanic Trojan                    -    19.984 bytes - Contains 6 biomechanic 
 trsi-mem.lha       - Biomechanic Trojan                    -     3.423 bytes - Schnelltro from trsi
 trsi-vw5.lha       - COP Trojan                            -   221.737 bytes - VirusWorkshop v5.0
 trsi_znt.lha       - Trojan                                -    12.969 bytes - Trsi & zenith intro
 txc-z11.lha        - Ebola infected                        -   197.233 bytes - Zap v1.1 extractor
 ua62.lha           - Trojan                                -    28.170 bytes - UA dialer v6.2
 updatv13.lha       - Lisa Fuck Up Trojan                   -   100.462 bytes - Patch c-commands 020+
 usx-scfn.lha       - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    15.478 bytes - Scene fun
 vchck659.lha       - Trojan                                -   160.920 bytes - Virus Checker v6.59
 vchck660.lzx       - Trojan                                -   122.000 bytes - Virus Checker v6.60 
 vckey110.lha       - Trojan                                -    32.330 bytes - MakeKey v1.10 VC
 vd-small.lha       - Trojan                                -     6.471 bytes - Smallest toy intro
 viewtek22.lha      - Trojan                                -                 - Viewtek v2.2
 vmk12.lha          - VirusMemKill v1.2 Trojan              -                 - VirusMemoryKill v1.2
 vmk30.lha          - VirusMemKill v3.0 Trojan              -     4.648 bytes - VirusMemoryKill v3.0
 vprot10.lha        - Jackal Bootblock Installer            -     4.322 bytes - Vprotect 1.0
 vz_105.lha         - Burn 2 installer                      -   114.688 bytes - VirusZ II v1.05  
 vz_ii121.lha       - Biomechanic Trojan                    -   146.410 bytes - VirusZ II v1.21
 vzii110.lha        - Trojan                                -   119.987 bytes - VirusZ II v1.10 
 w9-sex.lzx         - Happy New Year 98' Infected           -   187.786 bytes - Sextro
 wbsycle21.lha      - HitchHiker 5.00 Installer 1           -    25.818 bytes - Cycles WB colour 
 wintool.lha        - Happy New Year 96' Infected archive   -    13.461 bytes - WinTool v1.1
 wizbou10.lha       - Trojan                                -    12.133 bytes - Bounce v1.0
 wpz-frozen32.lha   - 8x8, Motaba infected                  -   631.805 bytes - Frozen #32 
 xcopy65e.lha       - Trojan                                -    25.360 bytes - XCopy pro v6.5
 xmq060.lha         - Trojan                                -    12.183 bytes - Patch CopyMem
 xtruder35.lha      - Trojan                                -   447.128 bytes - Xtruder v3.5
 z-speed.lha        - Trojan                                -     3.484 bytes -
 zaxxon.dms         - Trojan                                -                 -
 zine10.dms         - Trojan                                -                 - Devil zine10 hacker
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